how to make DIY chin wheels =]

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ok everything is done except for the wheel part it's self... were going to get a feed pan tomorrow and then it will be done and ill post pics =] :clap1:

Hand your husband a washer and go to it. Washers don't turn, they are flat pieces of metal with a whole in the middle.

He meant a washer tub
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I'm glad I fopund this thread! :clap1:

I've been using this: (in the 'giant' 12" size)

but have been contemplating making one from these:

I've also seen this: (whick a lot like one a user here says he made):
or here:

I really need a decent wheel and am pretty handy, so I feel I have several options thanks to this forum! :thumbsup:
ok so it's finished.. now if i can just get the pics to post lol.. we actually ended up going to Micheals ( the craft store ) and they have 16x4 cake pans for 15 dollars! But they don't have any interest in the wheel at all lol.. but maybe soon lol :)
Their wheel!!!! soooo easy to make also!:wink2:

looks nice, but are you sure thats a 16x4? Looks like it might be a 16x2. I saw your post and went to micheals web site. I only see 16x2 pans. yours looks a bit narrow, but it might just be the picture. Looks good!
I'm glad I fopund this thread! :clap1:

I've been using this: (in the 'giant' 12" size)

but have been contemplating making one from these:

I've also seen this: (whick a lot like one a user here says he made):
or here:

I really need a decent wheel and am pretty handy, so I feel I have several options thanks to this forum! :thumbsup:

The wheel on ebay look a lot like the one ForChinate Chins make. They are easy to make anyone can do it. I've made 3.
The wheel on ebay look a lot like the one ForChinate Chins make. They are easy to make anyone can do it. I've made 3.

I thought so too....:hmm:

Not to spill the beans, but I have my own design in the works. The hardest part is done. I'd post pictures of the idea and my work, but I don't seem to have access to these yet (I'm too new).:tantrum:

My design will have a machined stainless steel shaft with an machined aluminum hub housing two sealed bearings. Should be very quite and VERY sturdy. :idea:

My shaft has been made, and I have my bearings. I'm waiting on aquiring my hub. Then all I need to do is get the wheel and deside how I want to mount this. (I have a few different ideas, but the goal is to minimuze flex or bounce)

The biggest issue I have: finding a pan or dish made out of aluminum to use! :banghead:
you glue the wheel on the spinning bearing thing. and yeah it's 4 inches deep just looks smaller cause of the way i have my cage set up in a corner and it's between my book case and tv so i can't a good picture and i have to move my couch out to get the cage out lol.. it's complicated

and it's attached to the cage with washers and bolts
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borderp, if you're chins are using a 12" please remove it before they have permenant spinal injury... a wheel must be atleast 15" to prevent spine injury. One thing I like about the flying saucers is that people don't run on curved treadmills, yet they expect their animals to do so. The bigger surface the better it is for them to fully extend.
looks nice, but are you sure thats a 16x4? Looks like it might be a 16x2. I saw your post and went to micheals web site. I only see 16x2 pans. yours looks a bit narrow, but it might just be the picture. Looks good!

It comes in a set not just one pan.. there are 3 pans included. one is 16x4 the other is 12x3 and the other is 9x2 i used the 16x4 though I promice :wink2:

and of course i believe it's been in their cage for three days now and they still have no interest in it lol
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So, did you end up sing a lazy susan bearing? The cake pan is a great idea! I never thought of that. I made my own wheel using a feed pan. I kind of don't like it because it slopes downward a bit. The lazy susan bearing is a bit noisy, but I've gotten used to it. Wondered if that's what you used, or did you find something quieter?
Are you 100% sure that is at least a 16" diameter pan? It looks about 12" and that might be why the chins don't use it. Before I knew better I had 12" plastic wheels and when I went up to 16" they all used them more.
borderp, if you're chins are using a 12" please remove it before they have permenant spinal injury... a wheel must be atleast 15" to prevent spine injury. One thing I like about the flying saucers is that people don't run on curved treadmills, yet they expect their animals to do so. The bigger surface the better it is for them to fully extend.

I went to the local Micheals store this evening looking for a 16x4 pan as someone here suggested. No luck. I found a 12x4 and 14x2 and a 16x2 pan. Very sturdy for our little guys, but nothing in the size I'm looking for.

This brings me to a question... I'm not sure a 16" wheel will fit our cage. I hear you loud and clear about the 12" plastic one we currently have. I told my wife I want to pull it out, but it'll have to wait until I have time this weekend to take thier cage apart. I'll need to find a way to keep it from turning inthe mean time.

I think I can find a 14x4", thats 2" bigger as well as deeper than I currently have and it will be without a center rod over thier backs. Or were you refering to the diameter circumference causes them to arch thier backs?
I measured my FN142, the bars are 1 inch apart. I counted the bars in the OP's picture and it certainly seems to be 12 inches by 2 or 3 inches. And yes, I allowed for the angle of the picture. I too looked for a 16 inch cake pan and they are very expensive. As you have found out, this is not comfortable for them and they won't use it.
I looked again and I know for sure it is not 16 inches by using the measurement of the horizontal bars. If it was 16 it would sit on the floor and be two inches below that bar above it, but it's not on the floor (of course)
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BorderP, it should be the diameter that is 15" across. I think some people have used 14's with small chins, but to me, it's not something I'd want to risk.

Have you considered a flying saucer? They take up less room than a round wheel and fit into cages easier because they are more compact. I know it seems like a big investment, but it's well worth it. I mean where else can you get a gym membership for two for a life time for $80?! :D