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eroomlorac- thats what i plan to do....i'll just say he needs special care and eventually he will just give the queen around here so i alwayz get what i want!...haha!

To all of you who have said he might have gotten lost, I informed the humane society about the situation already so they know about him.

I called and talked to angie (vet) and she had me start him on a antibiotics and metacam that i have here at home until i take him in on saturday for an all over check up. I def. think there is something wrong w/his paw but hes doing really well all things considered. The only thing is, i have given him a few dust baths but his hair is still all matted in places. Do any of you have any ideas of what i can do to get the mattes out? Any suggestions would be appriciated!
Sometimes you can just gently tug on the mats (depending on how bad of a mat they are), and the mat will slip right out due to their natural fur slipping mechanism. Other times, you can try to comb them out. Cutting them out isn't suggested because of how wiry chins are.
Well good for you on rescuing this poor chinchilla!
Just some precautions if you haven't already done so is I would keep everything that has came in contact with this chinchilla away from the one you already have.
He/she might have something that could infect your chinchilla.
Good luck!
What luck for both you and this poor little guy! Hopefully he heals up nicely - sounds like he's a real sweetie. As far as the matting, I agree with Ash - Koko's fur was a complete mess after his leg surgery, and several rounds of gentle combing (over a period of a few weeks or so) did the trick.
It seems like he might have a slight respiratory infection...i told angie and she said that since hes already on antibiotics she will just check him out on saturday when i take him in. He LOVES dust bathing, and i put him in a little bigger cage (bigger than the carrier he was in but not by a whole lot and with no ledges) and he really likes it. I gave him an extra pillow that Sidney doesn't use and he is attached to it already! He is such a sweety but doesn't like taking his medicine (too bad!). I think he might be older though, i guess i'll find out 2moro. Hopefully there isnt anything major wrong w/him. Keep the good mojo coming our way!
Best of wishes to the little guy. My chin-girls Rosey, Poppy, and Jasmine send love and chin-kisses xxxxxx
Great job!! Really thank God that he found you! hope that everything goes well!! please keep us updated!! =D
Getting ready to take lil Fleury to the vet....i'll let everyone know what she says about him....hopefully its good news! Also, i've been keeping everything of lil fleury's away from Sidney so that she doesn't catch anything he might have. Wish us luck!
Well, we are back from the vet w/better news than I expected. Lil fleury doesn't have anything broken, but has some nerve damage in the arm that we were afraid was broken. The vet thinks he might have been burned in some way but he didn't chew through a wire or nething b/c his mouth doesn't have any burns or anything. I'm going to keep him for sure though. We are hoping that his arm gets better though. He might not use that arm anymore (he hasnt' used it since i've had him) but either way i love him the same! Hes looking better already so hopefully everything is just great from now on. I don't want to think about the possibility that he was tortured and burnt on purpose but it is a very real possibility. Well, anywayz, welcome lil Fleury to his new home!
That's so cool! What a lucky little fellow to be found by someone who knew what he was. Good luck with your new friend!