How Does This Happen?

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2009
Greensburg, PA & Ellicott City, MD
So I get a call today from my boyfriend's mom. She works at a hospital in the nutrition part. She calls me and says "Hey kim, out here at the loading dock at work we caught a chinchilla!...what do they eat" I was like "WHAT?! ARE YOU SURE?!" She says ofcorse and they have it under a milk crate. So, I leave school (skipped a class mind you), run home, get my carrier and put in a cold marble slab (it was like mid 70's here today), a towel, some food, hay, water, and a shredded wheat. So my friend and I drove up and got it out of the milk crate and it IMMEDIATELY started eating and drinking! The chin is a freaking mess....all greasy and matted, but alive and eating and pooping. So, "it" although i think its a boy, might have lost a toe on his front paw and has a small surface abrasion. I've made an appointment for my vet to see "him" and hopefully all goes well but I just don't know where it came from? Also, if you can think of anything else I should do, please let me know!

Sounds like you have a plan!!!!! Yay for you rescuing the poor thing! Make sure he gets a scritch and extra dust for me :D
He absolutely LOVES getting scratched and even lets me hold him! I think he might be not sure though, maybe thats just b/c he looks like hes in such bad shape compared to my precious pampered baby Sidney! HA!
Wow, that is amazing. I am glad he found you...what a lucky little guy! Pictures please!!!
I'm glad he made his way to you! Poor little guy.

About once a year I get the same type of phone call. People will release them or they just get loose. Sometimes we find the owner, but most of the time we don't.

Just keep doing what you're doing and give him lots of dustbaths. :) It's great that they figured out what the animal was and caught him before he could get really hurt.
I have no idea how someone could release any animal, especially a chinchilla into the wild. Poor thing, I am glad your boyfriend's mom called you. Good luck at the vet. Are you planning on keeping him?
Yay for saving him! It disgusts me when people let their animals go in the wild thinking they can survive. I've seen videos on youtube of people who let their chinchillas run around outside and even one of someone setting theirs "free." That's how they end up in these positions. People can be stupid sometimes. But good thing he's with you now!
Yeah, I'd be afraid to re-home him b/c i think there might b something wrong w/his front paw. Also, he is such a sweetheart!...hopefully everything works out for us and him staying here....who knows what would have happened to him if he would have been found by a person w/no chin knowledge!...Im just glad I can help him! I'll pay to have him fixed up and hopefully everything will work out for the best!
I believe there is no coincidence in live. It was meant to be. Happy for the little guy. Poor sweet thing...
Maybe he was out of his cage and someone just opened the door and he ran for it. These things do happen no matter how careful you are. That is called an accident.
omg thats just ironic! a chinchilla outside! thats so amazing that you were able to save him send him my love
Sounds like a one in a million that someone found him and that someone was there that knew a chin owner to call. It may be a pet that got could let the shelters know you have him so if someone calls looking for their chin then they could call you. Not that he should have gotten out in the first place, but accidents happen to even good chin owners. If your dad doesn't let you keep him I am sure someone on the forum will take him. But it would be cool for you to have your own rescued chin! I am so glad you have him....and glad they were able to catch him! Let us know what the vet says!
i agree. there was someone who posted on here a month or so ago that his chin got out and he spent days looking for it. while i believe the chances are slim that this little guy got loose, if he did imagine how upset his owners are.
if not, hopefully you will decide to keep him.
one of my chins is missing several toes on his one foot and he is fine. a few people mentioned that it can either happen with chins fighting or even when the mother is giving birth. good luck.
I agree! Hopefully, all he needs is lots of TLC, good food & hay and dust baths! Lucky chin to have found his way to you, I hope you get to keep him, good luck.

This thread reminds of Aminah (Aneesa's Muse) & Phoenix, I think Phoenix was found in an alley or garage?
The How's and Why's don't mean much - you got him now! You'll probably never find out, so the "Finders Keepers" rule should apply here!
Good luck with him!