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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. L

    Procaine benzylpenicillin

    My chinchilla had dental surgery 2 weeks ago (Jan 14) but it was performed by a different vet because Dr. Mans (who usually sees him) was not on clinic that week. I was instructed to give him subQ injections of procaine benzylpenicillin once every 5 days which caught me off guard because he has...
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    Blue SealShow Hutch Deluxe Rabbit Food

    Is this the food that people are claiming is easier for malo chins to eat? I have a 13 year old male who has reabsorbed a few molars and recently lost an incisor. He eats more slowly than in the past and is, quite frankly...
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    Calf manna formula change?

    I've been giving my chinchillas a few calf manna pellets each day for a few years. Back in January, I ordered a couple bulk pounds from an online vendor and was sent a product that seemed "different" --it was very light red in color and lacked the unmistakeable anise scent of calf manna. My...
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    Questions on apple wood preparation

    In the past, I prepared organic apple wood by: 1). soaking and scrubbing in hot water 2). boiling for 30-45 minutes 3) baking at 300 F for at least 45 minutes to dry My question is whether or not it is necessary to boil the wood if it has already been soaked and well-scrubbed. The smell of...
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    Chinchilla rejecting Oxbow pellets

    Background: I have been feeding both of my chinchillas Oxbow pellets for years. A couple months ago, Arthur significantly decreased his intake of Oxbow pellets and would only eat hay or treats. His weight has dropped a bit as a result and I took him to the vet today out of concern. Thinking...
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    Aspen as a chew toy

    I know that aspen is safe as a bedding, but do chinchillas like it as a chew toy? A friend of mine gave me a few pounds of aspen for the chinchillas, but I want to know if it will be worth the time to scrub, boil and bake it. Has anyone used aspen to make toys? I've only used apple wood...
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    Advice on restraining chinchilla

    Some background. Arthur had surgery on Thursday to correct a condition called phimosis. His prepuce had become fused to the head of his penis and it could not be extracted for cleaning. Of course, this lead to recurrent corynebacteria infections, so the vet surgically removed the adhering...
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    Bites/swallows tip of feeding syringe

    Arthur just bit off and (I believe) swallowed the tip of a 3 ml feeding syringe. He didn't choke or even stop eating. The tip is 1 cm long by 3 mm wide. How did he get that down without pause? I'm going to call the vet school to see what I should do. Has this ever happened to anybody else?
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    Urgent. Vet app in 3 hrs for CT scan.

    I'll try to condense this. Arthur is 9 years and until Thursday of last week was very fat with a great appetite. Thursday night: Huddled on floor of cage and too easy to pick up. Eagerly accepted vitamin C treats, oats and pieces of hay that I hand fed him. A bit lazy during dust bath...
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    Moldy grass mat?

    I just purchased three Superpet grassy mats at the grocery store to use as covers for the wired floor in one of my chinchilla cages. After I began removing the packaging, I noticed some black spots on the hay and got worried. Only one of the mats didn't have any stains, but as all three mats...
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    Need suggestions for temporary liners

    During an emergency appointment (for an unrelated health concern) on Friday night, the vet noted that Ludwig's foot pads were worn down and recommended using a soft substrate in his cage. I plan to e-mail him for more clarification but assume he wanted me to use something that is both soft in...
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    Scary event. Need some insight.

    Late Friday evening, I was cleaning Ludwig's cage and let him run around my living room while I cleaned. He began chewing on his favorite spot on the wall and I grabbed him to prevent him from ingesting anything toxic. I've needed to quickly grab the little guys hundreds of times over the...
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    Silver surfer wheel

    Has anybody purchased the 14" Silver Surfer Wheel from I have both the chinspin and Ed wheel and would like to replace the Ed wheel. After several years of use, the wood backing has become distorted, worn out and soaked with urine. I am trying to decide between getting...
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    AC problems. Need help.

    The outside temp is well above 90 with high humidity and I think that my AC might be low on freon. It is on full blast, but the temp in the chin room reads 72.9 degrees (a second thermoter says it's 70, but whatever). I usually keep the room at no greater than 67. One chin is showing some...