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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. T

    Hedgies & opossum cage sets

    Hi, Said I would post the cages of my critters after I put in their new cage sets I made them for Christmas. Here is a video of them.
  2. T


    I think they are pretty neat. I still don't know how to pronounce the name tho.
  3. T

    Christmas photos

    Thanks all! I entered Sprite in. I think her photo is the best.
  4. T

    Christmas photos

    This photo shoot seemed more difficult than past photos shoots I've done of other hedgies in the past. Most difficult with my STO Scooter, but here are my Christmas photos of Sprite & Moonflower this year.
  5. T


    Yes they love to climb! They are pretty quick climbers, too! There was this site called knowyoursto that has been around for a long time, but it has been closed down for a month or 2. Not sure why, maybe they just didn't renew their website subscription or whatever? There is info online about...
  6. T


    He is a brazilian short tailed opossum, distant cousins of the native north american opossum we have here. This is as big as he will get. I like them as they have very similar care to that of hedgehogs. They are nocturnal, eat cat food & insects, with more fruits in their diets, love to play on...
  7. T


    Thought I would share my other pet, Scooter the short tailed opossum. I have been wanting one for a long time & I had no reason to turn away from wanting one as some of the other critters out there. Finally the day came where I was able to get my first STO. I got him from a breeder in Virginia...
  8. T

    Possible new hedgehog (already own one)

    I usually take both my hedgies out at the same time, each in their own separate blankets. I take turns with them on who sits on my lap while the other sits next to me. It's like a family thing with me & my 2 girls (and a short tailed opossum too!). I pet both at the same time, or pet/hold one...
  9. T

    Show me pictures of your hedgehog(s)

    Here is Moonflower and Sprite
  10. T

    Christmas for hedgies

    I also thought about the tubes. I think they would really enjoy those. A dump truck sounds fun too, any particular kind?
  11. T

    Christmas for hedgies

    What do you get the hedgehog that has everything? Mealworms are part of their daily diet, they have a run a bout ball, plenty of sleepy sacks, igloos, other things to sleep in. Maybe a hidey hat? They have plenty of toys, but maybe a few more wouldn't be so bad I guess? I don't know what to get...
  12. T

    Squeaks when peeing

    I know when we humans go to the bathroom, it isn't always a great, comfortable experience either, especially if you have to pass a large one! :D
  13. T

    Squeaks when peeing

    I've had hedgies squeak before when going to the bathroom. It wasn't an all the time thing though, just on a rare occasion. My short tailed opossum has squeaked when he pooped before, I only heard that one time too.
  14. T

    Making hedgie bags with fabric art

    Just testing on some scrap fabric. I think making a stamp or using a bleach pen would work better. Spraying gives a nice effect, but it bleeds a bit, even with the stencil.
  15. T

    Making hedgie bags with fabric art

    With black fabric maybe try reverse tye dye with it, but most blacks bleach out to a reddish orange color. Not sure what color fleece lining would match with that. Maybe I'll just try art or designs on other color fabrics. Hopefully I would get white, or at the very least a much lighter color...