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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Zompter

    What does raising butt in air mean?

    Petunia has started raising her butt up in the air recently. It's tail up all the way ,and has only started doing it since she was introduced to another Chinchilla (also female, confirmed by the vet). She is acting absolutely normal besides this; eating drinking playing. Just haven't noticed...
  2. Zompter

    Chinchilla Meetup DC Hi! We have started a chin "meetup" in the MD/DC/VA area. We are interested in finding and meeting other Chinchilla friends. We hope to meet and enjoy our furry little friends, as well as talk about chin behavior, health, care, and all things...
  3. Zompter

    Wood & Treats

    Sent an order via your website :)
  4. Zompter

    Petunia's Debut

    Yeah that's Petunia's special trick. She runs under and on the wheel!
  5. Zompter

    Petunia's Debut

    We put together a short video last night of Petunia, Peaches and Peanut being cute :)
  6. Zompter

    Wood & Treats

    Put an order in from your website! :)
  7. Zompter

    Water Bottle Confusion

    I'm curious about the comparison too. I just ended up ordering the lixit one since chewing was the major issue. But the other one might work better for the little sisters as they don't chew the water bottle.
  8. Zompter

    Water Bottle Confusion

    Thanks :) I'll try it out, and just in time! Tunnie has just discovered that with a little chewing (what can't be solved this way) one can get the water out much faster.
  9. Zompter

    Water Bottle Confusion

    I have noticed that most people like the lixit water bottles. After Petunia ruined another bottle from the pet store I figured it was about time to get a nice glass bottle (the glass bottle they had at pet-co was garbage, it stopped forming a vacuum after three days :( ). But, when I went to...
  10. Zompter

    fleece pillows

    That makes perfect sense! Now I know what to do with all my fleece scraps :) Thanks a ton.
  11. Zompter

    fleece pillows

    I'm thinking of attempting to make a pillow for my chins. But I was wondering what type of material do people stuff them with that is chin safe?
  12. Zompter

    Chinchilla Critter Emote WOW

    I would love to, but it's not really something I can take a screenshot off. What happens is every 5 to 10 minutes your non-combat pet will do something fun, but this will happen using text. So for example: Zompter's Singing Sunflower does a jig. or Zompter's cat purrs. Currently there are a...
  13. Zompter

    Upside down wheel

    Oh yeah! She just like to keep her options open :)
  14. Zompter

    Upside down wheel

    Here is the base pan we got: It's 2.5" deep, I love it.
  15. Zompter

    Chinchilla Critter Emote WOW

    Does anybody on here play World of Warcraft? If so I just created a new addon called "Chinchilla Critter Emote" :) It's first release is now up on the curse client. Give it a go and let me know what you think. This addon makes your non-combat pets do some role play in their down time. I...
  16. Zompter

    Best way to give hay...

    What I ended up doing is putting less hay in my holder but making sure I always had a hay cube in their as well. It cuts down on the mess and i think they really like the variety. Someday they throw the hay everywhere and eat the cube other days the throw they run around the cage holding the...
  17. Zompter

    Chinny eating... poop?!!!!!

    Yep, it's OK. Actually all rodents do this, it's part of their digestion process. They only partially digest their food so by eating the poop they get extra nutrients.
  18. Zompter

    The Ferret Nation Club

    Hi Mrogge, I had a lot of the same kind of questions when I joined. I'll try and answer as best as I can. Hopefully people on here can complement my answers with some more insight. 1) Not really. The point of the bedding is to absorb the pee. So you will want something absorbent on the...
  19. Zompter

    Flying saucer

    Yep works fine with the FN. The only difference is you should put the u bolts on at an angle since the spacing is larger. So instead of - or | they should be like / . The noise isn't bad either with the FN you just have to make sure the bolts are tightened well, so a wrench is advised as I...
  20. Zompter

    Fivel & Oblio

    They are adorable! Mini-wheat to the rescue. You should see how they like cheerios too :)