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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. H

    Chinchilla not eating/drinking

    He did make it to the vet first thing today. They called me around 2:30 and said he was doing better, but then around 3:30 I got the call that he passed away. It is very heartbreaking to lose my little guy. I'll miss him terribly. Thank you all for your advice and concern. I really appreciate it!
  2. H

    Chinchilla not eating/drinking

    At this point he is very slow to move and reluctant to jump. I took him out of his cage and put him on single story. he attempted a small jump and missed and was huddling on the bottom of the cage. Now he is in a single story with fresh hay and water. I manages to fees him a small amount of...
  3. H

    Chinchilla not eating/drinking

    That was my first concern, too, was that he had gotten into something that made him refuse to eat. He was actually hiding out the whole time in the boxspring on a mattress and the room he was in is not one with many wires in it. I'll still have to double check to make sure there isn't anything...
  4. H

    Chinchilla not eating/drinking

    Currently, it has been 24 hours since his last food or drink. I have attempted to mix chamomile with grinded feed/water, but he wouldn't have that either. I tried feeding him plain oat, but that was not working either. I have not tried any plain shredded wheat. Our vets will not be open until...
  5. H

    Chinchilla not eating/drinking

    I'm sad that this is my first post to this forum, although I'm an avid reader of it. I've read similar posts about this issue where the chinchilla is not eating or drinking. I recently went on a week long vacation and left my chinchilla at home with a family member. Everything was fine until...