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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Mexichin

    February 5, 2011 Colorado Branch ECBC Sanctioned Show

    I had fun checking out the show, I'd never been to one before! It was fun to see how everything works, and it was nice to meet you guys! I was upset that I had to leave early. Lynn, you have the longest eyelashes, they are so pretty!
  2. Mexichin

    February 5, 2011 Colorado Branch ECBC Sanctioned Show

    I'm going! Soooooo excited to finally be going to a show! I've wanted to for years!
  3. Mexichin

    February 5, 2011 Colorado Branch ECBC Sanctioned Show

    Hmm, I might show up to check the show out, I've never been to one! Are there usually animals for sale? Im thinking of getting a new cage mate for Noodle.
  4. Mexichin

    I left the cage open :(

    Ugh, I left the door open once, and I couldn't find Dusty ANYWHERE! I thought he was gone forever, I was bawling my eyes out. Then, I saw his tail sticking out from underneath a cabinet in the kitchen. Somehow, he had found a gap where they didnt put wood, crawled UNDERNEATH the bottom row of...
  5. Mexichin

    things my boyfriend says...

    My bf refers to them as "the dogs".
  6. Mexichin

    Updated pictures.... <3

    Babychin! So adorable!
  7. Mexichin

    Poppy and her cookie.....

    Aww the pic of all three in a row is my fav. I wish my boys did that, its adorable!
  8. Mexichin


    Hi everyone, I finally joined over here after finding out that CnQ was gone.I need my cute chinnie pics fix! My name was Brendita over there, if anyone remembers me! I have three chinnies, Dusty, Zippy, and Noodle. (Standard, Ebony, and Beige) :)