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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. H

    Do your chins do this?

    Haha! That is so cute!! What a silly little chin you have :)
  2. H

    Hello from Kansas!

    Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! I will try and get pictures of the girls uploaded soon :)
  3. H

    Hello from Mips!

    What a handsome boy you have!! Do you enjoy your line of work? I wanted to go to school for 3d animation, however couldn't draw to save my life and unfortunately they require a portfolio. So, Web design and development degree - here I come! :)
  4. H

    The "Humble" Member.

    Frost, I am so sorry your little man came so sick! It sounds like he has found the perfect home and hopefully you will be able to give him the TLC that he needs. It's funny how these furry creatures touch us so deeply. My girls and I wish you the best of luck and many, happy, healthy years for...
  5. H

    Hello from Kansas!

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to drop a line and introduce myself. My name is Ashley and I reside in Olathe, Kansas with two sweet little girls named Navi and Tatl. They're both about 2 and are standard gray. My boyfriend and I have had them for a year this November! They are an absolute joy and an...