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  1. LouandRoo

    Questions about a cage

    Thank you so much! :)
  2. LouandRoo

    Questions about a cage

    I've been thinking about getting my chins a new cage and have been looking and found a "cat" cage that I feel would be perfect. The only problem is that the shelves are wire instead of plastic. So, I was wondering if this would be okay to get or if I should avoid getting it because of the wire...
  3. LouandRoo

    Help! What is this?? Did he get bit??

    I have never witnessed an actual chin fight but I know they are very aggressive (or so I've been told), so I can't really tell you exactly how fighting chins act. When my chins play though, they will chase each other all over the cage and make little "peeping" noises, or no noises at all...
  4. LouandRoo

    C Babies!!!

    Congratulations! They are so stinkin' cute! I love the first picture, if they were my babies I would blow that picture up and hang in on my wall. :biglaugh:
  5. LouandRoo

    satisfied with the bath house

    I use the plastic bath house and my chins have plenty of room (as long as they go in one at a time :p).
  6. LouandRoo

    Help! What is this?? Did he get bit??

    It just looks like he has released some fur to me. As for the fighting, if you thought they were just playing, they probably were. I'm sure you would know if they were actually fighting, but I'd just keep an eye on them.
  7. LouandRoo

    Photoshoot with Sasha

    She's adorable. :)
  8. LouandRoo

    Preparing wood

    Okay, thanks. I think they are done. :)
  9. LouandRoo

    Preparing wood

    Yesterday I prepared wood for my chins for the first time. I followed the instructions given here but since there isn't a specific time given for how long the wood should stay in the oven, I'm worried I may not have left them long enough. Can...
  10. LouandRoo

    Trying to spray? Help!

    I'm positive that she is female, not a male. She had kits last year, but her uterus prolapsed and she had to be spayed. So no SHE is not a male. :)
  11. LouandRoo

    Trying to spray? Help!

    Thank you! Like I said she has never sprayed before and nothing actually "sprayed" out, just kind of dribbled so I wasn't sure.
  12. LouandRoo

    Pregnant chinchilla?

    Looks like a couple of boys to me.
  13. LouandRoo

    Trying to spray? Help!

    I don't know what ticked her off so much that she felt the need to "spray". Maybe she was mad that my boyfriend was there. She has never sprayed before but he doesn't interact with her much. So maybe that was it?
  14. LouandRoo

    Trying to spray? Help!

    So this is what she was doing?
  15. LouandRoo

    Trying to spray? Help!

    I'm not sure if my female chin was trying to spray me or if there is something wrong. She stood up on her back feet and was kind of pulling in her belling and thrusting her hips outward. She did this a few times and I puleed her out of the cage to check her. The platform she was on had wet spots...
  16. LouandRoo

    New hay box

    I LOVE this! So cute!
  17. LouandRoo

    Pregnant chinchilla?

    No, I would not breed that young. I misread the age of the female. My apologies.
  18. LouandRoo

    Common household products for chin as toys?

    Toilet paper rolls are indeed safe and chins love them. I even like to stuff them with hay and hide a treat in the middle. It's fun to watch them chew through to get to their treat. :)
  19. LouandRoo

    Pregnant chinchilla?

    I honestly don't agree with everyone saying to separate them. Daddy helps with the babies when they are born. I would make the cage baby safe but I wouldn't separate them. My female had kits with daddy right at her side and he did an amazing job. Daddy helped clean the babies and wtched after...
  20. LouandRoo

    What's wrong?

    Thats hilarious, Stacia. :p