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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. GoldenChinchillas

    shipping chinchillas?

    It has been more than 5 years I think since I have shipped and was wondering from those who have shipped or have been shipped to which airline is the best to use. Yes I know way to hot right now but I am looking into it for later this year. Also which carriers have everyone been using? Thanks.
  2. GoldenChinchillas

    Newest pictures of the White ebony and ebony kits

    So far the male did lighten up but not to bad yet. I wonder if he will lighten then darken again like most of my ebonies tend to. The ebony female hasn't changed to much maybe just slightly lighter and then the other female from the group that was attacked and now with a foster mom has totatly...
  3. GoldenChinchillas

    Share some fun/fancy/extreme makeup pics?

    I'm always curious to see what other people do with their makeup. TONS of videos on youtube but I wanted to see if anyone on here does anything fancy or fun with theirs. Like holidays I always do something related or for certain sports events, anyone else? Or anything you like would be neat to...
  4. GoldenChinchillas

    My fun when my daughter is asleep

    I finished cutting and drilling the woods and pumice earlier today finally. So tonight after my daughter was asleep and the chinnies were taken care of, I made 20 of these lol. Heres only 3 out of the 20. I already put some away in their cages since I got that that chin stare from a few. I was...
  5. GoldenChinchillas

    One of my newest litters im excited about

    Im very excited about this litter. They were born couple days ago to my favorite tailess female "Bobbie" a white mosaic female bred by Bill Fallis, shes one of my old gals. The father is a Homo Ebony male bred by the Craners. One dark ebony female, one female white ebony and a very darkly...
  6. GoldenChinchillas

    Hello CnH

    Just wanted to say hello. Most of you may remember me as just Ashleigh before on the old forums. Not sure how much I'll post but still like reading up on the chins and keeping touch with friends.