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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. S

    Does anyone have a Marshall Folding Mansion?

    I didn't think two smaller doors would be too big of a problem but it is difficult to get all their stuff into the cage. Where say a Ferret Nation doors actually open up completely and seems way easier to work with. Does anyone have a MFM with pictures to show me how successful it came out? I...
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    Where do you buy all your supplies?

    Thanks so much. I can't wait to spoil them lol they make such great stuff!
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    Where do you buy all your supplies?

    I see so many cages with amazing set ups and all this awesome stuff. What websites do you order from?
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    HELP! Adding more into their cage.

    I am not sure how the people who had them before me took care of them but I want them in a way better set up. Do your chins chew the **** out of your wooden shelves? And pee on them or are they "potty trained"? All they do is chew every single thing they can get a hold of and also pee all over...
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    Fleece Liners vs Bedding

    Thanks everyone for your opinions! I just ordered a fleece liner to try it out. I hope I like it. If I do, I will be buying more :-)
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    Fleece Liners vs Bedding

    I've noticed a lot of cages that have fleece liners. What are the pros and cons of them? Why do you like fleece better than bedding? Also if anyone has bedding, why do you like it better than fleece?
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    What are good shelves for chinchilla cages?

    Hmmm. Mine pee in all 4 corners so that would mean I need four dishes. I am not sure if it would work out well or not.
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    What are the best treats to give them?

    Yes I do know about their bland diet. I mean when I do give them a treat I want to have a different one for them each time. Maybe I am thinking too humanlike or something. Just anything that they will enjoy each time when they do get one.
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    Stella's New Cage!

    Wow that is a really awesome cage! I wish I could do all that for my chinchillas. I better get started lol
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    What are good shelves for chinchilla cages?

    tcraighenry: Did you train them as they were babies or were they already adults? StevieP: Thanks. That is a good idea, I will look into it.
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    What are the best treats to give them?

    I want to have quite a variety in options for my chinchillas so they don't get bored with just the same treat all the time.
  12. S

    What are good shelves for chinchilla cages?

    I know wire is not good for their feet. I've put in untreated wood but they make it such a mess since they are not litter trained. Is their a safe way to clean up the wood? It just looks ugly and smells bad when they constantly pee on it. I am not sure what to do. I really need some help to...