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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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    Scruffy's eyes

    The next time i take magorium in i'm going to ask our vet to do them for him. just to rule that out too! this thread has gotten really helpful thanks so much! They did flush his eye out..not the tear duct but the eye itself with and antibacterial wash and it did wonders now with his...
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    New to the site! :)

    he does have a ton of personality! so sweet and mischievous.. @ccChalieAndSpruce99chins yeah it is a little small i'm working on a bigger cage for him now. our local pet store has them on special almost every month. so next pay check that's what coming. :) he's good with it for now. but i know...
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    New to the site! :)

    new picture from our vet visit! hes sooo sweet :)
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    Scruffy's eyes

    I'm experiencing the same thing with my chin Magorium. The first round of drops didn't work for us and now we are on stronger ones and a oral antibiotic. After that she said she's gonna have to put him to sleep to flush his tear ducts. There may have been a blockage from his dust.
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    New to the site! :)

    Thanks so much!!!
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    New to the site! :)

    Thank you so much!! :) my mom ended up calling him frank/bubba... bc she couldn't remember his name hahahah but we got that all sorted out! :) Everything I've read on here has been super helpful so far. We've battled with eye gunk for a while back and forth with the vet. And a change of his...
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    New to the site! :)

    lol it was a program I used for the collage! but I will add more when i get them to the computer :)
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    New to the site! :)

    wanted to share a few pictures of my little guy Magorium! :) I got him almost two months ago! :bliss: Ashley