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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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    Running on the outside of the wheel

    When I first gave Elliette her 15' chin spin she would run inside of it. Then she started running on the outside of the wheel (on top) sometimes and running inside the wheel other times. Sort of back and forth, in and out. Now though, she will only run on the top. Is there a need for concern...
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    Chin peeing on hands constantly

    Elliette recently developed this strange behavior, and I can not seem to find and answer or solution anywhere. On Non-playtime days, I make sure to play with her inside the cage. Lately, when I put my hands in, she climbs on them and a few minutes later pees a bit, then turns around and pees...
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    Hello all! I just officially joined the forums, but I have been lurking in the back for a while. My question regards bedding. I'm using kiln-dried pine shavings now for Elliette, but I want to switch her to a fabric if possible. I tried back tracking through some entries to see if there was...