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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Moo-Shoo Mom

    Favorite blogs/things to read online?

    I save a LOT of money reading this blog: Printing coupons and seeing more money stay in my bank account makes me a happy girl. I recently went to Target for a small grocery trip that was supposed to cost $11, and it only cost me $1.34!
  2. Moo-Shoo Mom

    Cuddle bug <3

    VERY cute photo! I love his eyes... they just scream "I'm SO adorable!"
  3. Moo-Shoo Mom

    Fur Chewer No Longer!

    Wow! He really does look great. You've done a fantastic job with him!
  4. Moo-Shoo Mom

    let me see

    Ah! I remember singing a song about onigiri in my Japanese class. Let me see a laughing cow! (And no... not the cheese...)
  5. Moo-Shoo Mom

    Holy hanging toy!

    Holy hanging toy, indeed!! Wow. Lucky Smudge. =)
  6. Moo-Shoo Mom

    Happy Easter!

    AHHH! That first picture of Gizmo with the bunny ears made me squeal with cuteness overload. Happy Easter!!
  7. Moo-Shoo Mom

    Ugh... puking out the window?!

    EWWW... that's so disturbing!! I'm sorry you had to go through that!
  8. Moo-Shoo Mom

    Some of Jackpot's legacy

    I had to break out Snoopy and Luna's pedigrees to see if they were related to Jackpot. He's their grandpa on their mom's side! No wonder they've got such fun-loving personalities. =) Jackpot's legacy lives on in this household too!! =D
  9. Moo-Shoo Mom

    Why the long dresses?

    Are you talking about something like this?:
  10. Moo-Shoo Mom

    A funny pic!

    Binx is SO cute! :)
  11. Moo-Shoo Mom

    <33 Here some pics of my chinnies <33

    This thread states that she got two new girls on April 1st: I can't stress how important a 30 day quarantine is for new chins! You do have very cute girls though. =D
  12. Moo-Shoo Mom

    Wii Fit

    I hope Wii Fit is going well for you! I had totally forgot about Wii Sports boxing until this thread... I've incorporated it into my workouts after my daily Wii Fit routine... certainly makes me feel pretty darn good! Here's a couple fun websites that have some good tips, a small community...
  13. Moo-Shoo Mom

    I live in the happiest state in the US!

    I love me some Nebraska! Nothing but happiness over here in Omaha. =D
  14. Moo-Shoo Mom

    First fleece tube!

    Thank you! Yeah, I didn't know if my girls would like it or not, but after walking over and seeing them cuddled up like that, it kind of speaks for itself. =) For anyone who doesn't have a fleece tube yet, GET ONE!! I wish I would have months ago. =D
  15. Moo-Shoo Mom

    First fleece tube!

    After seeing the joy that a fleece tube brought to everybody else's chins, I decided to purchase for our girls from Alli. Snoopy and Luna adored it from the get go and were asleep in it within the first hour it was in their cage. Moo-Shoo is still skeptical of it. Heh. Thanks, Alli! My...
  16. Moo-Shoo Mom

    Wii Fit

    I looooooooooooooooove my Wii Fit! I do at least 30 Wii Fit minutes every day. It gets more fun once you unlock more stuff... I do the hula hooping, advanced step (I add my own hand weights for an extra challenge), and the expert rhythm boxing every day. I also do 2-3 yoga poses and 2-3...
  17. Moo-Shoo Mom

    Diets (Fad or not)

    For me, I've lost 23 pounds with just the classic diet and exercise and I've kept it off for a year now. I do have a gym membership at 24 Hour Fitness, but I only go there to do the classes -- I get bored on the treadmill or anything else by myself. So I do some kickboxing and step classes...
  18. Moo-Shoo Mom

    Students or Graduates

    I graduated in December and triple majored in Corporate Finance, Commercial Bank Management, and Investment Science & Portfolio Management, as well as minored in International Business. If I knew four years ago what I knew now, I would have majored in something COMPLETELY different. *sigh*...
  19. Moo-Shoo Mom

    JP - I have a little head!

    He's so cute!! I was looking at this, and Travis looked over at the monitor and he gasped. He goes, "That looks JUST like Snoopy..." in an ominous tone. I told him that was one of your boys. =) He was wondering if Snoopy and JP are related at all?
  20. Moo-Shoo Mom

    Digital Cable V Dish

    Where I'm at, digital cable is 110% the ideal choice. Unfortunately, we have Dish Network right now due to limited choices at the time we moved into our apartment complex... it cuts in and out ALL the time. Nothing is better than tornado sirens blasting at 3 in the morning, and your dish...