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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. L


    What brand of hay do you guys feed your Chinchilla? I have been feeding my chinchilla timothy hay since I got him as a baby, but he won't eat any hay in the past 6 months. I have tried different types of hay from Oxbow but still no luck. He tends to just play with it and throw it around. I...
  2. L


    Hello! Right now I have one chinchilla male. He is 1.5 years old and he is extremely sweet. I currently started a new job and tend to be a little bit busier than I use to be. I started to feel bad because I haven't spent as much time with him as I use to. I was thinking of getting another...
  3. L

    Help! His fur is yellow.

    Hello Everyone! Recently I changed my chinchilla's litter. (This is only in his litter box, the rest of the cage is fleece) I don't remember the exact brand of his old litter but it was the litter from Petsmart that is made of a clay-like material and shaped in small little round balls. I...
  4. L

    Why is he doing this every night now?

    I got my chinchilla a few months ago at the beginning of the new year. I noticed just once after about two months that he sprayed urine. I didn't think much of it, but this past month he's been doing it daily. I never actually see him do it, but every morning I notice it. His cage has wheels...
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    Hi guys! I recently got my chinchilla at the beginning of the new year. He's now 10 months old. He's happy, active, playful, but so extremely loud. I understand that chinchillas will ALWAYS make noise. (I have a hedgehog who use to be so noisy until I did research and changed his cage a bit. He...