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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. D

    My chinchilla does nothing but hide

    i got a wheel from the store, how bad is it? its 12" solid plastic. and nothing protruding from the center. she doesnt chew on it either. i got a cage, from the petstore. its about the same size as a FN cage though.
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    My chinchilla does nothing but hide

    Sorry if this has already been answered. im new to this forum and forums all together. i have had a chinchilla for about a month, she is perfectly fine. went to petsmart yesterday and they had a white one there acting very strange and noticed it was fur biting. i felt so bad and didnt really...
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    Chin always runs out of cage

    yes. its above recommended size. there are 3 levels. multiple chew sticks, toys, tubes to run through etc. chinchilla food pellets and hay is her diet with about 5 cheerios a week at most. as treats
  4. D

    Chin always runs out of cage

    As soon as i open my cage door to pet my chin (oreo) she will run right out, and its a chore trying to catch her as im sure you know!:banghead: If i try and block the entrance to keep her in she will scratch at my hands and bite me. shes never done this before. ive had her for about 3 weeks...