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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. N

    Unexplained sudden death :(

    Hi A quick rundown, I had a pair of 5 year old sister chinchillas, one of whom sadly passed away 2 weeks ago. (Long story short, we took her to the vets who didnt know what was wrong and she died the following day) We have done all we can do care for the remaining chinchilla, but sadly she...
  2. N

    Lethargic after vet visit

    My 5 year old female chin wasnt being herself, (not bouncing, playing etc, you just know when somethings wrong) She was taken tot he vet whom examined her and said she was a good weight, her teeth are fine, her respitory system is fine and her heart is fine. She was given a fluid injection to...
  3. N

    Snuffly chin :(

    Hi I'm new to the forum and ws wondering if anyone can help my with my chinchillas problem. I have 2 chinnies, 4 years old sisters. One of them has started making a noise that I can only be described as being like, breathing with a lot of mucus. As though she is aving difficulty getting air in...