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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. P

    Cinnamon apple crisps?

    I am going to say no as drying fruits concentrates the sugars. Drying removes water so same sugar less food. I believe there are apple pomace treats you can get for your chins but as with any treat maybe once a week for these.
  2. P


    IMO I wouldn't use carefresh for any of my small animals. Having worked in a pet shop for 5 years I cant support other stores saying it's okay. I used to breed gerbils. A rep came in a told me how wonderful it was so I tried it on all 42 gerbils. Within 24 hours they all had runny noses. Which...
  3. P

    Ordered my CN yesterday

    So excited I'm in phase two. Having ordered my cage I cant hardly believe I get to finally own my own chinchillas. Its not the same working in a pet store and rejecting customers that "must have one" but have no clue. I was the "mean" staff person that would turn away a sale if I fear the...
  4. P

    Couple of "C" kits I'll be showing this year

    OK Thanks. Does each ranch have its own letter it starts with each year? Or is there a reason its "D" this year?
  5. P

    Couple of "C" kits I'll be showing this year

    Ok being a newbie as far as showing, I have a quick question. Does "c" mean the gene locus? Being violet genetics?
  6. P

    Soon to be chin owner!

    Hi everyone, Just thought I would introduce myself. I am experienced with Chin care having babysat and cared for them at my previous employment. I am a long time lover but didn't want to take the plunge quite yet. Over 5 years of playing with everyone elses fur babies. I am happy to announce I...