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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. F

    Chin boarding/sitters in/near Chicago, IL?

    Hey, I've tried searching around a bit online but I can't find much. I'm looking for a reliable place to board a chinchilla for 3-4 days while I'm out of town. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  2. F

    Chinchilla stressed and not eating, pooping, drinking and loosing fur

    Hey there, We recently moved apartments (on Tuesday) and our chinchilla Winky-Pinky had stopped eating as much about 2 days before.. We figured it was because she heard a lot of noise and us packing up and clearing out rooms and such. She completely stopped eating Wednesday night, but was...
  3. F

    Behavior change in Chin?

    Hey! We've had our chin (girl) for about 8 months - she's 10 months old now - and she's always been playful, and loves to be naughty and pop around in our room. For about two weeks now, we've had to lure her out of her cage with a rose hip or dustbath in order for her to come out, and she no...
  4. F

    Chin hates rose hips?

    Hey! We gave our chin her first rose hip today (organic, got it from whole foods) and she took a bite out of it and then immediately dropped it. Now whenever she goes back to it, she shakes her head and makes a sneezing type sound, but definitely won't eat it anymore - even though she keeps...
  5. F

    Say hi to Winky-Pinky!

    I was a lurker for a bit and decided to join. Winky is about 4 months old, and we live in Chicago! When she was just 9 weeks when she broke her pelvis. :( She's made a full recovery, though, and isn't hindered at all! I suppose it was better that she broke it while she was young and her bones...