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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Z

    Chinchilla playroom

    so i would rather just let my chinchilla have his playtime in my bedroom instead of our chin room because it has more space and its easier for me. of course i would chin proof the room blocking wires. the only thing im worried about is his cage wont be availible to him anymore during playtime...
  2. Z

    crying at night??

    so zooky has an FN and every night i hear him crying. it sounds like hes running on his wheel (silver surfer) and falling. im not sure because everytime i go and check hes laying down on one of his shelves acting normal. i guess the silver surfers running surface is slippery and a little small...
  3. Z

    found blood in cage

    yeah im sure because hes peed on the shelves before
  4. Z

    found blood in cage

    so when i went in to clean zookys cage i found some droplets of blood in a few areas. i know at night i hear noise and hear zooky cry but everytime i check on him he seems fine. so when i found the blood i checked his paws and body but found no damage what so ever. and he was as playful as...
  5. Z

    chinchilla forgot me

    so i went on vacation for a week and when i got home my chinchilla acted as if i was a stranger??!! he runs when i make sudden movements and hides from me sometimes...whats wrong? he doesnt even trust me anymore? what can i do?
  6. Z

    apple wood instead of eating hay

    i just got some apple wood for my chinchilla and he loves it! but the problem is hes been eating it a lot and eating a lot less hay. what should i do? limit the apple wood?
  7. Z

    where to get metal pans?

    well i was thinking of just doing wooden pans with bedding in it. i dont mind the wood being stained but would other problems start to occur if i just do wood with bedding? i was thinking the second floor would be a granite bottom instead of a tray and the lower could be the wood and bedding...
  8. Z

    where to get metal pans?

    i was thinking of making a wooden pan. would that be ok? or is that a bad idea? i would put a good amount of aspen to prevent too much leaking and staining. and i was thinking to keeping the plastic tray if its not a problem. because my chin has never chewed on any plastic at all. and then...
  9. Z

    where to get metal pans?

    im looking into getting the FN 182 but then i dont know where to get a metal pan at the bottom/middle. i was going to use fleece but then i would have to wash it way to often or else it would stink and zooky wont litter train. so i want to stick to aspen bedding and just fill his 2 floors with...
  10. Z

    is this cage ok?

    wow!! thats the exact one i ordered!! hes had it for about a week now! the only problem is he slips off of it after he slows down!
  11. Z

    soft poop?

    so if his poop becomes normal again does that mean he doesnt have intestiinal parasites?
  12. Z

    soft poop?

    i havent switched yet, i probaby will this afternoon, but i am going to do the half half thing. what im worried about is, is he sick from the bad pellets or is he sicks because he has giardia
  13. Z

    are these items from petsmart ok?

    well its on the petsmart website and i think i remeber seeing it on store shelves but ill check again bc i think ur right... i might have read that from somewher too
  14. Z

    are these items from petsmart ok?

    well its on the petsmart website and i think i remeber seeing it on store shelves but ill check again
  15. Z

    soft poop?

    my guy has been having some soft poop for the past day. its not so soft but if my chin steps on it while its still fresh it will be flattend. im not sure if its oversized or not so how big is it suppose to be? this has happend before but even worse, like with goey stuff on his poop. but he got...