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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. L

    UTI questions -

    But with a UTI, shouldn't he have shown the issues with urinating at least? I'm just stumped. And already overwhelmed/in debt with two dog emergency medical bills (three bills, actually) from the last month, before being told his E-vet trip totaled over $600, when I never even know he had been...
  2. L

    UTI questions -

    Thank you for the replies. Riven, by "Usually a UTI will show symptoms before a month and a half." Do you mean he likely had it long before he was adopted, or..? Sorry, the wording has thrown me off. I asked them what their vet said and they said that he'd had it quite a while.. implying...
  3. L

    UTI questions -

    Also, what can I do from now on to lessen the chances of it recurring?
  4. L

    UTI questions -

    I adopted out a chinchilla on a trial visit about 1.5 months ago, they just let me know he had a UTI and is being treated now. What are the signs of a UTI? I'm trying to find out if it's at all feasible that he had it while he was with me. I never noticed any problems, he was peeing just...
  5. L

    Bonded pair fighting because of 3rd male.

    Okay, now the problem is.. I made the mistake of not washing my hands after playing with the pair, and my lone male attacked my hand. Now, every time I go to talk with him, and try to hang out with him, he immediately gets very upset and tries to bite me. He bites anything I offer through the...
  6. L

    Chinchillas and dogs.

    My lone male Ling Ling seems to enjoy antagonizing my German Shepherd through the cage. Now, I don't know chin body language too well, but he does his very best to get the dogs' attention, and then runs and jumps all over the cage after he gets the dog to follow him, and stops every few seconds...
  7. L

    Bonded pair fighting because of 3rd male.

    Yes, I can and I've thought about it. Their cage is 5'X5'X2', it could be separated. They don't seem to mind each other a bit (the pair and the lone male) if their cages are close to each other. I don't know, they like being difficult.
  8. L

    Bonded pair fighting because of 3rd male.

    I thought the two newer boys would settle down if they were in a home with no other chins. They've lived 8yrs together with zero issues. And would it be best to keep them all in the same room, or in separate areas of the house? Thank you guys.
  9. L

    Bonded pair fighting because of 3rd male.

    Do you think if I rehomed either the pair or my current male it would stop? I feel bad for causing them to start getting like this with each other.
  10. L

    Bonded pair fighting because of 3rd male.

    Well the intros with the pair (one at a time) and my lone male didn't work at all, everyone hates everyone. And that's alright. But the problem is the bonded pair starts scuffling every time they hear the lone male in the other room. He starts making loud calls that can be heard anywhere in the...
  11. L

    What color is this little guy?

    They're very sweet little guys.
  12. L

    What color is this little guy?

    Well I'll check when I get him here. Their pictures are too dark to get a good view. The other was being called 'charcoal'... He's standard, correct?
  13. L

    Introducing three males.

    Oh yeah, I'm not skimping on the quarantine. I do a lot of rat rescue and foster and they spread illness to each other so easy! One experience with 7+ rats with URI's is enough for me to learn my lesson. Thank you. I really didn't want a chinchilla and wasn't looking for one, but nonetheless...
  14. L

    Hello from me and LingLing.

    I just joined because I'm bringing two more Chinchillas home and I know how helpful a forum of good educated people can be, I moderate on a Pit Bull forum. I share my home with 7 rats, 2 dogs, 1 cat, 1 Leopard gecko, 1 Tarantula (last of my collection), 1 diamondback terrapin, and quite a few...
  15. L

    What color is this little guy?

    I really don't know that much about colors. Just interested - on the right.