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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. K

    Stella's New Cage!

    Wow! i loves those ledges! you should post a tutorialon how to make the shelves
  2. K

    Chin Nightmares?

    its just weird because im always right there so no need to be lonely
  3. K

    Pros and cons about wheels or flying saucers??

    My chin loved his but then started chewing the sides even when he had tons of chewtoys available so i had to remove it.
  4. K

    Chin Nightmares?

    My chin Pepe will be sleeping soundly and then out of random will wake up screaming as i call it. lol its so loud and then i call to him that hes okay and then he falls back asleep. I once saw him do this. sleeping then back jolt up and scream. are these little chin nightmares or is he just...
  5. K

    Weird chinchilla behavior or normal?

    no its the fact all he does is sit there he doesnt escape its just annoying him talking to my cat. and hes always closed in my room the cat never met him till the other day. what about the other questions?
  6. K

    Weird chinchilla behavior or normal?

    My chin wont drink from a bottle ive tried rubbing a raisin on the end but he just licks it off. so i have a bowl for him is okay to just have a bowl? or does he need to be on the bottle? My chins one ear is floppy sometimes does this mean anything? He also throws his food dish (which is...
  7. K

    Best food to buy?

    Whats the best food to buy for chins? i know about just having plain pellets but is there a certain brand thats better than the rest? I currently have pellets mixed with timothy hay but my chin isnt fond of the dryed out hay.
  8. K

    Need Help Sexing Chins *pics*

    i'm kind of confused the second looks like a male....i dont get chinchilla junk...i wonder if my Pepe is really a male o_O
  9. K

    My chinchi barks at me when i touch it?

    My chin does this and hes already used to me. i think he is just moody. lol Cause the moment he comes out hes all over me
  10. K

    Treat rejection!

    Thanks a ton. Man that lady knows nothing -_-
  11. K

    Treat rejection!

    Oh man. i didnt know! how about cherrios?
  12. K

    Scared Chinchilla Isn't Drinking Water

    My chin didnt like the bottle so i got a heavy bowl and he drinks like crazy now.
  13. K

    Treat rejection!

    Okay so my Chin Pepe Silvia wont eat treats. hes about 3 months old and his breeder says he "looooooves" raisins but i give him one and he barks and throws it! hah So then i try these yogurt covered papayas and he throws them yet again. Then i try just plain papayas and still no luck. Whats...