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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. K

    Friend's Chin has eye problems?

    She is not able to take her to a vet because she does not have a job yet (she just moved with her family) and the vet wont take a payment plan from someone who doesn't have a job, and her family wont help her out...
  2. K

    Friend's Chin has eye problems?

    The fur is wet because when she found the eye stuck shut she used warm water to get the goop to loosen up.
  3. K

    Friend's Chin has eye problems?

    A friend of mine just got 2 chinchillas a couple weeks ago. She just posted this on facebook and isn't able to find any help from anyone on there. Any help anyone? The post is below... "I was hoping somebody could tell me! Her eye swelled up to 3X its normal size and got that white buildup on...
  4. K

    The name game..what in your chins name?

    My only chinchilla (for now) is Dusty. He is a Beige that I got from Jags. On the way home I couldn't figure out what to name him. My mom kept throwing out ideas and they just weren't clicking. Then she looked at me and said "Dusty!" Needless to say I fell in love with it and it stuck. Thinking...