Recent content by JailBreakRoxxx

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  1. JailBreakRoxxx

    The Ferret Nation Club

    well if someone can delete my post that would be great I couldn't find a way too and no need for it since I don't apply sorry
  2. JailBreakRoxxx

    Chinchillas licking??

    Jail Break licks me A LOT!! I have 7/8 gauges in my ears and he likes to play with the holes in moms ears!!
  3. JailBreakRoxxx

    Can chins remember bad experiances and people that were involved?

    Aww poor guy she feels so bad that he gets upset. He has now figured out that we are mom and dad he loves to just hang out under my chin and in my hood and if anyone else pets him he allows it but always turns to me and checks in.
  4. JailBreakRoxxx

    Can chins remember bad experiances and people that were involved?

    The main adoption coordinator/evaluator at the shelter where we adopted Jail Break from comes to visit us. Seems like Jail Break gets a little Grumpy and on edge when she is here. There were other people at the shelter that did not respect him or his space and were too rough with him. Do you...
  5. JailBreakRoxxx

    The Ferret Nation Club

    Well these were taken just after I made the changes to it and set up there is still more that needs to be done Of course him chillin on the back of the office chair!
  6. JailBreakRoxxx

    The Ferret Nation Club

    I am now a member!! I picked up a free Ferret Nation off craigslist this week. I had to take the lower wheel/stand portion off but it was easy a few screws and I was good as gold. Jail Break loves it!!
  7. JailBreakRoxxx

    New cage time

    It was amazing!! HAHA I own a biz and I pulled up with the cage wheels under the rear spoiler and the cage laying on its back all the way up back of the car and sticking out in the air lol. One of our best customers was walking in and all he did was stop and laugh at me. He was all I have a...
  8. JailBreakRoxxx

    New cage time

    He is in and happy as a furry clam!!
  9. JailBreakRoxxx

    New cage time

    Im so excited tomorrow I go pick up a HUGE ferret nation cage for Jail Break. :dance3: Yes I scored it for free!! Now I will be going to get fleece for the floors and such. He will no longer have bedding to throw EVERYWHERE!! Tiff and Jail Break.
  10. JailBreakRoxxx

    Tiffany and JailBreak Roxxx

    Ok it's been crazy busy around the store and with a Chow Chow that isn't feeling well so here are Jail Break Pics finally!! We have discovered that he LOVES being held like this and that way he can see around and check everything out! Here he is chilling on the back of dads office chair...
  11. JailBreakRoxxx

    Tiffany and JailBreak Roxxx

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!!
  12. JailBreakRoxxx

    Tiffany and JailBreak Roxxx

    He does but he's so easy going!! He loves to sit in my lap on a little fleece pocket snuggler.
  13. JailBreakRoxxx

    Tiffany and JailBreak Roxxx

    NO WAY!! How long ago?
  14. JailBreakRoxxx

    Tiffany and JailBreak Roxxx Hopefully this works for a pic, it's so hard to get him to sit still
  15. JailBreakRoxxx

    Tiffany and JailBreak Roxxx

    Thanks everyone!! We named him Jail Break and I'm sure you all can figure out why LOL. We let him settle for a bit when we got him home and then he just wanted some love and kept staring at us and begging for attention. He's a good guy, a little Chubby but hey more to love!!