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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. H


    I was wondering if anyone has any solution to my chinchilla repeatedly peeing on my leg... he does it every night when i let him out and its quite annoying, I've asked him not to but he does it anyway.. anyone have any behaviour deterring methods? I have tried putting urine soaked items into his...
  2. H

    Keeping cool

    I'm just curious as to how you all keep your chins cool in the summer? I have a portable air conditioner usually but it broke down a couple of days ago when it was really hot, had to rush out and buy another. So what do you have as a back up? Ice bottles? or do any of you actually keep a backup...
  3. H

    Bald patch on tail

    I see, I will ty putting more toys in for the time being, his vet appointment isnt for a couple of weeks as it doesnt appear to be in any way urgent. Behaviour wise he is acting as normally, bouncing of walls, climbing on me etc. I suppose I will just have to wait and see. Thanks
  4. H

    Bald patch on tail

    My chinchilla has developed a bald patch on the base of his tail. At first I thought this was a fur slip but it has progressed. I don't think he's fur biting as he has a tremendously large cage with lots of toys and does get time out of his cage each week. The skin appears to be in perfect...
  5. H

    Persistance, dedication and cheerio's.
  6. H

    Keeping watch from way up high.
  7. H

    Chinchilla store in UK

    I have never found a single store over here in the uk that sells anything decent for chinchillas... For buying supplies I would steer clear of any main pet shops like pets at home, jollies, there are a few good online based shops that are uk based but it sounds like you are not here long...
  8. H

    Should I get two new chinchillas?

    It was, in fact, my dad's suggestion when I mentioned that he seemed lonely :) Indeed it is my dad who does the feeding and a pet sitter who comes to let him out to run and cleans out the cage. Next year I will probably be living at home so maybe i should just wait till then?
  9. H

    Should I get two new chinchillas?

    So... I currently live at university, my chinchilla Michelangelo lives at home with my dad and brother. My issue is that I feel like he is very lonely, my dad gives him attention and feeds him and I have a pet sitter come once a week to let him out of his cage but every time I come home he...
  10. H


    I would if I were sure they would get along but I leave in a few days which is not long enough to introduce them properly so its not really worth the risk. Think I will just have to see how he copes, perhaps over a long holiday I will get a friend for him. v:)
  11. H


    Its not so much the out of cage time that I'm worried about and more the being alone almost all day and night....
  12. H


    I already asked about this a few months ago but thought i would get some more opinions on the matter as it still worries me.. In a few days I am moving to uni halls, this leaves my near 80 year old dad to care for my chins daily needs. He will only be doing food water and hay and giving him a...
  13. H

    My Little Chin's Cage

    What make of cage is that? I initially bought ans options aurora cage and am now in the process of building an extension on to it! :D
  14. H


    Just wondered if anyone could tell me the optimum weight for a male chin? Everywhere I look online seems to give very wide ranges of weights... having said that whichever guideline I follow it seems my 2YR old male chin is underwight at 450g.
  15. H

    Air conditioning

    The make is electro aire.. It appears they only do large units now and dont even make portables as far as I could see...