Recent content by deanna_xo

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. D

    no fur came out after brushing and dry skin

    I have 2 chinchillas. I had been brushing them with a regular fine tooth comb since I got them. They turned 1 year old today. They are brothers from the same litter. I always brush them at the same time. I got a new brush. I got the kind that is meant to be used for chinchillas. I brushed the...
  2. D

    Oats and Cherrios safe for babies?

    I'd like to start training my chins to come when I call them. I know you can't give treats till 4 months. Mine are 2 months old. Are oats safe at this age? Are cherrios? THANKS!
  3. D

    New Chin Owner from OHIO :)

    Hi my names Deanna. I'm a new chinchilla owner. Bought 2 baby brothers last friday. Ive rescued baby bunnies and squirrels before and used to belong to a board back then so figured I should belong to a board now, should I ever need advice!