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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. D

    Dust bath question

    Best to leave it in their cage for 10-15 min. :)
  2. D

    Cant figure out whats wrong with my chin is this normal?

    I don't have any other pets he is the only one and he shakes when I hold him and after I put him down for a little bit than he snaps out of it and he perfectly fine.
  3. D

    Cant figure out whats wrong with my chin is this normal?

    I got my chin 2 months ago and he is awesome I play with him everyday and take good care of him but when I picked him up to let him out if his cage his whole body was almost like it was vibrating? He does a lot now? What does this mean?
  4. D

    when i hold my chin he does somethung strange?

    My 4 month old chin I was holding him and he never did this before but it was almost like he was vibrating he would do it for like 5 seconds then stop and do it again? Is that normal what does it mean? Thanks for the help!!
  5. D

    New Chinchilla

    I got my chin 3 days a go and he is settling in pretty well he is already starting to come over to me and sit on my lap but if I pet him he jumps off haha i gave him 2 days to himself to let him get used to his new home and he seems pretty happy.
  6. D

    New chin owner few question?

    I have the dandilion treats! He isn't a fan thanks for all the help!
  7. D

    New chin owner few question?

    I just got my new chin at Petco a couple days a go I named him Deiago and he is a doll I LOVE him. He is very hyper which I love and he is getting better about letting me pick him up and everything he has never tried to bite me but he doesnt like any treats I give him? Or he wont eat them? What...