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  1. Chinbutt

    Long Distance (car) Travel w/chins

    You too Michelle! :D
  2. Chinbutt

    Long Distance (car) Travel w/chins

    Thanks again everyone for the great advice! We made it to our destination without any complications. The chins were a little stressed, but they slept pretty much the whole time. Now that we're in our new home, they're a little more skittish than usual, but I'm sure they'll settle down once we've...
  3. Chinbutt

    Long Distance (car) Travel w/chins

    Thanks Tickle, I'll take a look. If I stick with my usual bottles, I'll just do as you guys said and make sure they're offered water at each rest stop. :)
  4. Chinbutt

    Long Distance (car) Travel w/chins

    Tickle & Cuddle, Thank you both so much, I definitely appreciate the sage advice. We plan on carrying a cooler with extra frozen tiles on hand, plus some frozen water bottles just in case the A/C doesn't seem to be keeping the temp below 75 degrees. I don't think it will be a problem though...
  5. Chinbutt

    Long Distance (car) Travel w/chins

    Thank you all so much for your thoughtful replies. Aleksandra, we are definitely lining these cages with fleece and will put a fleece house in each cage so they have a hiding spot. I'm definitely with you on adoption never being an option--they're a huge part of my life. Gods, you make a...
  6. Chinbutt

    Long Distance (car) Travel w/chins

    Hello folks, My girlfriend and I are moving out of state and traveling ~900 miles via car in the near future. We plan to split this trip up into two days to cut down on sustained road time. We currently have two chins, one male who is 7 years old, and one female who is 5-6 years old. They are...
  7. Chinbutt

    Check your chin teeth!

    Interesting, thanks for the tip. Mine usually smile pretty big during scratch sessions, so I'll have to take another look to be sure with mine. I noticed you're in Fairbanks -- I was there this Summer, beautiful area! Those -40 degree winters sound pretty scary though.
  8. Chinbutt

    Floppy ear?

    Same here. My chins have floppy/folded ears when they sleep, and they stay floppy for a few minutes while they're waking up. :D
  9. Chinbutt

    Spay + One Live Kit - pics

    Glad mom & baby pulled through! Really sorry to hear about the other little one, that's rough. :( Thanks for sharing the pics though, mom & baby are adorable! :D
  10. Chinbutt

    Being lonely is ok?

    I'm glad you asked this question - I've been worried about traveling with my chins, and I'm trying to figure out if I should fly with them or just do the long drive thing.
  11. Chinbutt

    Broken Bond

    I'm awfully sorry to hear you're going through this - I had a similar experience with a sick rabbit some years ago. My best advice would be to simply get her healthy and get back into a normal swing of things. Patience is your best bet. Once things are normal and you're talking to her &...
  12. Chinbutt

    I am mortified.. Behavior issues??!

    Haha sorry I don't mean to laugh, this was just written in a very humorous tone! This behavior is perfectly normal - he's cleaning himself. Hair rings can be a problem for male chins and this is basically how they avoid it. Of course hair rings aren't really a problem in the first place unless...
  13. Chinbutt

    Chinchilla 'hamster' ball

    This is pretty much how I feel about it as well. My two chins get play time in my girlfriend's office every day. We use computer/electrical tubing to secure any wires/cables in the room. Everything else is up out of reach and they enjoy running around & sleeping on a large pillow tucked away...
  14. Chinbutt

    Talking in Chin Language?

    I try to mimic that cute throaty little squeak they do, and it actually makes them come to me to see what's going on. They also know certain words like "treat." lol