Recent content by Adam Dexcell

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Adam Dexcell


    Two females from what Pets At Home told us.
  2. Adam Dexcell


    Hi everyone, So I got home from work today and saw a few milky waxy puddles around the cage. I had a google and saw it could either be a heat cycle or some sort of infection. Chinch is getting to 9 months old. When we let her and Chang out to play my wife noticed Chang's back fur was a little...
  3. Adam Dexcell

    Introducing baby chin

    Not sure on the age thing. The best thing would be to keep them in seperate cages for a period of time. Try and keep them next to each other (but not in biting distance) just so they can get used to each other's scents. Start introducing them at play times. Hopefully, there should be no friction...
  4. Adam Dexcell

    Has This ever Happened to You?

    Sorry for your loss.
  5. Adam Dexcell

    I've noticed when my chin wakes up, she looks a bit like....

    Max Rebo from Return Of The Jedi
  6. Adam Dexcell

    Possible Sulky Chin?

    Thanks for your posts everyone. All info appreciated! Thanks. I think Chang (pictured) is possibly starting hers now. I think I noticed a bit of white stuff on her privates when she was climbing the cage last night. Thing is, it's so hard to check as she doesn't really like to be picked up and...
  7. Adam Dexcell

    Possible Sulky Chin?

    God, I think my wife will thank you for posting those pics. She was getting a bit worried as to why Chang was doing the whole sulky act!
  8. Adam Dexcell

    Possible Sulky Chin?

    Haha. I've learnt she seems to be a bit of a diva compared to our other girl Chinch. Chinch doesn't really care and just goes with the flow. So you guys reckon this is nothing to worry about then? We would give them a bit longer playtime but they are still only little. They get 40 mins out their...
  9. Adam Dexcell

    Possible Sulky Chin?

    Hi guys, Sorry if this is in the wrong section. Whenever we put our two chins back into their cage after playtime, Chang does this: She only ever seems to do this if we don't put her dustbath in the cage. We put it in there every other night as my wife and I read that they shouldn't really have...
  10. Adam Dexcell


  11. Adam Dexcell


    Thanks guys. They are certainly a handful but they are lovely.
  12. Adam Dexcell


    Hi everybody. Nice to meet you all. I'm Adam. My fiancée and I recently got our 2 girls, Chinch & Chang. Here's Chinch: Here's Chang: They are nearly 5 months old. I thought I'd sign up to say hi and ask for any advice, if my fiancée and I ever needed it! She used to own a chin a few...