Wood Ledges

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I know that some people have success using Elmer's Wood glue. I believe that it is entirely non-toxic and chin-safe. You'd have to brace and then clamp the edging while it dries. Now, I have not tried this myself (yet), so your mileage may vary.
Elmer's Wood Glue works well, and since it is non toxic, if the chins chew on it it's not going to hurt them. And it is also very strong and can withstand the chin jumping on it. i would not use screws though, since these could hurt the chin if they were t chew on it.
If you do not want use the glue, I would go with the wooden dowels.
Yah that is what I kind of thought with the screws. Hmmm I might just try the glue and if it doesn't hold to my liking then I will use the dowels. The will definately get done quicker if I don't have to deal with the dowels!