WI MCBA Regional Show

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I may have a baby derby one too. I pulled it out yesterday to wean and kept thinking you are just one of the cutest things, lol.

Yeah I was thinking around 7-8 hours for me. Oh well it will be worth it, lol.
Sold!!! I'll be there. I'm leaving my wallet at home too...
Sold!!! I'll be there. I'm leaving my wallet at home too...

Yay! We'll be happy to show you around! :) Be sure to introduce yourself and don't be shy. It can be a busy day for some of us - and I know I always feel bad when I didn't get to talk to everybody. lol
And DO bring your wallet. With cash. We can't process credit cards there. LMAO!! ;)
I told Bob we had never been to Wisconsin.:idea: We'll see what we have to show and maybe I can talk him into coming. He said he would look and see what looked good and we would talk about it. I don't know if thats good or bad, but we'll see. :err:
It'd be so cool if you and Bob could make it, Vicki! We have such a great group up here and always have fun at this show.
Tell Bob I'll take him out fr the best steak he's ever had if you guys come up. Will that work???
Fried chicken will work better. He's already upset, his favorite place to get chicken is going out of business. Sunday is the last day. A steak will work for me though. I'm going to look and see how far it would be for us. :dance3:
I just looked it up on mapquest and its only about 8 hours from us. Not a bad drive at all. I'll hound him till he gives in. Maybe!
I just looked it up on mapquest and its only about 8 hours from us. Not a bad drive at all. I'll hound him till he gives in. Maybe!

Oh, that would be SO COOL!!!! I swear I won't talk Bob's ear off (I'll be animal handling, so won't bug him during the show, and I'll be too busy obsessing over grooming & being nervous before hand to bug him!). It would just ROCK to have you guys come up to the show!!!!! Pleeeeease, Bob, please! Brenda, find a top-notch chicken place!!!! heck, if you guys come up I'll pay for Bob's chicken dinner! (Umm, anyone looking to buy an eb at the WI show?? I might have to pay for some chicken.) :dance3:
I was going to say until I saw Vicki had replied, dont bother with the steak for Bob; go right for the chicken, lol.

Vicki tell him he can do it, we have faith in him, lol.
Wendy, slow down and catch your breath. It might take selling 2 ebs, he eats a lot. We are seriously considering it. :thumbsup:
How could you never made it to Wisconsin!? We have cheese and beer! I'm sure we have chicken! We can find some chicken! Plus Carol is going to be providing entertainment!!! NO ONE should miss this show LOL!
speaking of cheese... I could really go for some cheese curds. Either the fresh or the fried!

I really hope I win something in the raffle this year. One of these years I just have to win!
Yum fried cheese curds, it just does not get better than that!!!! I wish this show was tomorrow!!!!!!
I picked out a batch of BRIGHT batik fabric for a raffle quilt today, and am going to get moving on it. Considering offering a choice to the winner of the batik or a Kansas Trouble quilt (more the country colors). Does that sound interesting to anyone? People have such different styles, thought two completely different choices might appeal to more folks. Just a thought!
Wendy, I say do both quilts! Brenda/Vicki I make some of the meanest kick butt fried chicken ever, I would be more than happy to fry some up for Bob! Beings that I dont have any show animals this year, I will have plenty of time!
Wendy I know anything you make will be awesome!

Brenda, curds are a go!!!! I hope there will be a raffle basket from the store with the yummy candles in it!!!
I told him Kim. Would the basket from your store be like the ones at the ECBC Annual meeting last year in Ok., Brenda? You know the ones I was supposed to win and didn't? I am working real hard on getting him to come. I told him he would be showing at one less show this year, because he is going to trainee judge at one show. We'll see.