Where can I find cage clips? (non chewable ones!)

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Oct 24, 2009
Seward, Alaska
Yay I got my FN!:tease: But thats not what this is about. My old cage I considered keeping, while my bf wanted to sell it. Today a friend of ours brought a girl over to our house and we got to talking to her about chinchillas and other animals. She has been wanting to get one and I told her if she is serious about caring for one that I would gift her my cage and some food and basic supplies, :hug2:and I wouldn't mind going half and half with her on ordering dust and other things to break shipping prices in half.

But this cage needs a bit of work before I give it to her. :hammer:Its a super pet multi floor ferret cage. For one, the plastic clips have been chewed that hold the sides together, and I want to find some metal ones so they cant be chewed again, where do I go?

Secondly, How can I get some of the stains out of the base? I have some cagefresh cleaner stuff that is nontoxic but it's mostly good for smell as far as I've used it.

Then I am looking for a good site to send her for wood shelves. I'm giving her the food shelf made for the cage but the other ledges are staying with him.

Thanks for your help!:thumbsup:
When I used super pet cages I ended up using hose clamps to hold it together after all the plastic clips broke. We tried zip ties but those didn't feel very stable to me. You should be able to get 1" clamps at any hardware store. Tighten them very well and then bend the excess part of the clamp around so it doesn't snag you or the chins.
I bought some clips from TSC, they come with a tool you can use to close them over the bars of the cage. You can find them in the small pets section, by the rabbit cages.