What colour is he?

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Active member
Apr 29, 2011
Hey, think he has a white belly but hard to get a proper look. Both myself and partner think he has a red tinge to the eyes, definately different to the standard we already have

He's looks to be a hetero beige to me or a very very light tan. Can you try getting a good picture of his belly?
He's definitely a hetero beige, congrats! He's adorable and thank you for the clear pictures so quickly!
I thought beige at first then looking at pics on one site thought mosiac lol. Glad i came here to check, thanks guys.
Some sort of beige...it's hard to tell from the photos...perhaps a hetero beige unless his belly is beige then he could be a light tan.
Right, mum is the same colour and dad is pretty dark. Not sure if that info will help or not.

Should I try and get pics closer up, in better light?