Weird Behavior

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Bouncy , Lazy , Chin
Oct 2, 2011
So recently Arabella hasn't been being herself. Whenever I pet her she is making a weird snort/grunting sound. She is also nibbling/biting a lot. A few times I've reached into the cage and she's compleatly freaked out. She started wildly jumping around the cage and knocking over toys and hiding. I wasn't trying to grab her or chase her with my hand , I just stuck my hand in there to try to pet her.

Is something wrong?
Has anything in the environment changed? Temperature, sounds, placement, etc.?
Is she eating, drinking, and pooping normally?
Did you mean she's nibbling/biting you or herself?
Nothing has changed. She's eating and drinking normally and the temperature is at usual 67 with a fan on. She's only about a 1 1/2
No nibbling and biting people. she's pooping everywhere as normal. i don't know whats wrong /:
How long have you had her? She sounds scared. Take a step back and just sit next to her cage. Let her come to you.
I've had her for 8 months. she's been fine and friendly until now.and a few mintues ago she just let out this noise that sounded like a bark/wheeze
Something is spooking her. Could she be sleeping when she starts barking? All of my girls have been known to bark in their sleep. Are you sure nothing has changed around her? Perhaps a dog barking outside, or a door slamming shut...
Something is spooking her. Could she be sleeping when she starts barking? All of my girls have been known to bark in their sleep. Are you sure nothing has changed around her? Perhaps a dog barking outside, or a door slamming shut...

No she's awake. Nothings changed. my dogs usually bark but she's been used to that sense we got her. no door slams. and outside is usually quiet
Yup my guess would be that she's either in heat and having some 'pms' or that some thing is just slightly off in the environment perhaps even an odd smell?