weighing chins

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Jan 30, 2009
Washington State
how do you guys accurately weigh your chins? My chin is difficult to handle and needs to be contained to be weighed. I put her in a box the last time I weighed her, but she kept trying to jump out, and her jumping around inside the box made it difficult to get a quick and accurate weight. Any suggestions?
When i weigh my rosco, I give him a shreddie to chew. Usually he sits there and eats it long enough to get a weight. or i put it in his cage near the dust bath and he sits on it because its new and weird. LOL
I put the scale on the floor and then put some oats or rosehips or both in my hand, next to the scale. My babies are used to it by now and they FIGHT to see who gets to stand on the scale first, knowing they get the treats for doing it.
In the beginning, to train them, I would dangle the treat up high over the scale, so that they had to stand on it and stretch up to get it.
Sally and Amy have been doing this for 4 years now, so all I have to do is put the scale on the floor and they go stand on it and wait, lol. Chins are smart, they get the hang of things really easily.
I put a treat in the scale dish to try to distract my ladies, but usually they could care less about the treat and just want out. So I cup my hands over the top of the scale, without touching the scale itself, and hope for a quick reading! I'm not always successful on the first try but I get it eventually.
You can use a large coffee can. Put holes in the plastic cover (top). Place the chin in the can and close the cover then weigh.

When I weigh chins I place them on the scale and put my hand in front of their eyes. This usually keeps them in one place long enough to get a good weight.
Some I do the dangling treat but others I just pick up and put on the scale and they just sit there.

Kara: Patty just sat on the scale when I picked her up and put her there! I don't think she needs treats! lol!!!! (she is addicted to rosehips though!)
I use velcrove to hold a bowl securely on top of the scale and then put my chin in it. CJ and Pepper hold still for a long time but Ebony and Ivory quickly jump out but I do manage to get their weights before they do.
Here's a pic of CJ in the bowl -
I use velcrove to hold a bowl securely on top of the scale and then put my chin in it. CJ and Pepper hold still for a long time but Ebony and Ivory quickly jump out but I do manage to get their weights before they do.
Here's a pic of CJ in the bowl -

that's adorable! I don't have a digital scale, which would make life much easier! We have a (manual) triple beam balance scale which my hubby insists is the most accurate thing in the world. It takes time to get a reading on it, and trying to keep a box closed while a chin is hopping around inside doesn't help, lol
CJ's been to the vet's a handful of times this year and they weigh him every time. I've weighed him at home to compare (within the hour from the vet's place) and its been mostly exact or give or take a couple of grams, so I think that it's pretty accurate. They are fairly inexpensive and I believe that Wal-Mart sells them as well.

ETA: Thanks, CJ is my cutie pie chin :D
I don't know how my husband David does it, but he puts them in their bowl and they just sit there and look at him. I try to weigh them and they're jumpin all over the place.
I would tell your husband to weigh them then! They're not in weight watchers and if it's off a couple grams, not biggie! When he's not looking grab a digital scale from the kitchen section.

one thing that works well is an ice cream bucket. Put a chew or something it and put the lid on ( put holes in it first of course, lol ) works especially great for wild young chins!

I can't imagine weighing a chin with a triple beam because every little movement, even just a calm chin turning around would wiggle the whole darn thing!