We were so close..

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2010
Momma's female kit died this morning.
I got up and saw her laying there.. so I busted into the cage and saw she looked like she had been crushed by mommas wall surfing.

I saw she was still breathing.. her chest would come up and go down with this painful little breath so I rushed to wake my step-dad up, then called my mom at work. (try getting through to her boss ''I don't care if shes in a meeting..its an emergency!'')

So we were running out the door to get to the vet when we looked at her and realized we were bringing a dead little girl. :cry3:
She passed in my moms hands around 9am.

I feel like I'm forgetting to breathe as well.. I can't handle seeing this stiff little body of a kit. I got up to rotate and hand-feed every-night for over 5 weeks and I got so close to them. :( I know it's life though..
My mom's going down to my papa's this week and she's going to bring her to be buried in my grandfathers backyard.

RIP little girl.. I know you're out of your pain now..

We were so close to weaning time.. but I can't be mad at Momma for this..
I'm so sorry, that would be really really hard. I didn't find my kit who passed, and I'm so glad.

I'm so sorry for you loss. :flowers5:
Thanks Mikayla..
I'm actually glad I did find her before she passed. I think it feels a little better to have had the chance to tell her goodbye.
We were going to the vet to have her put down if they couldn't help her.. that's when I would've lost it.

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