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Active member
Jun 2, 2010
Rockford, IL
So.. I noticed today that one of my chins, Yoda, seems to be struggling a bit to pee.. He is also making little squeeking noises while he goes. When I took him out to play tonight, he peed a teeny tiny bit like 4 times in an hour.. I just got a new playpen and it has a sort of beige-ish mat, and it looked to me the pee had a slightly pink tone.. I am really worried and I am definitely going to try and get him to the vet tomorrow! I'm calling first thing in the morning.

Also, I tried to give him a hair ring check, but I can't get it out all the way because he struggles too much and I don't want to hurt him. But I can get it out about halfway and it doesn't seem like there is anything there. It goes right back in without any help. I am going to try again in the morning when I have someone to help me. He doesn't seem to groom himself excessively down there, only after he is done harassing his poor cagemate, Mog. (lol)

Any advice before I take him in tomorrow would be greatly appreciated! He is only 4 months old and one of my first chins so I am new to taking them to the vet. I have a vet that says they treat chins, but I have heard all kind of horror stories on here and I want to make sure that when I go tomorrow, I don't get fed some BS..
Did the urine look reddish, orange? If so, that's normal urine color for a chin. Now, if he's struggling to pee it could be a hair ring or possibly a stone blocking the ureter, although I would think he's pretty young for that.
I just managed to do a full hair ring check and did not see one. He is not very happy with me lol

When I got him back into the cage after that, he peed a full amount and it was a golden color.. Ihad taken out the fleece liner for just a bit so i could wipe up the pee with a kleenex to really tell. I don't know if it was just the new playpen mat that made it look that color, but him peeing so little an amount so many times in a short period worried me. It was like a pinky yellow, best I can decribe it is like the kinda color in a sunrise/sunset lol I had just never seen him pee this color, and coupled with him seeming to strain a bit I got really worried.

He is acting normal other than the noises he makes when he pees, and when he's done he's started to waddle a few steps.. My other chin doesn't do that, but is it a sort of way to keep the urine from getting on them? I hope I'm just totally overreacting and this turns out to be nothing.. lol Glad I have you guys :)
Our chinchilla did that waddle and straining to pee when he had a bladder stone. They can do a urinalysis to check if he has a UTI but we did that for our chinchilla and it came back positive and he had a bladder stone. So, if he continues to struggle after giving him UTI meds then make sure you get an x-ray.
Sometimes chins will do that as well with bloat, they try to urinate even though the don't need to because they are trying to relieve pressure in the belly.
Thank you all for your input. I have an appointment with the vet this weekend so hopefully I will find out what is wrong. I will have them do an xray too to check for a bladder stone.
So, when I took him to the vet Saturday, they did an ultrasound for bladder stones and didn't find any. yay! So I had to leave him at the vets til 5pm so they could get a urine sample. He didn't decide he wanted to pee for them lol so I took him home and they gave me this deck to put in my smaller cage to trap the pee. I took a sample in Monday morning and it turns out he has a mild UTI. They gave me some antibiotics and hopefully everything will clear up soon!