Urin Spray...Interpretation Needed

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Besotted Chinchilla Lover
Jan 20, 2010
Long Island, NY USA
So far each of my new 6 year old females has sprayed me with urin. Once I thought it was due to fear. With the other I had scent on my hand from another chin who is new to them. Is my interpretation correct? It is very specific behavior...at least it comes out warm. lol
It definately could be both Also they sometimes do it when starled. Once they are compelety used to you and their surroundings they probably will stop.
i have one BOY who sprays me and it is usually when he is not happy......either I am tryting to get him out of his cage OR back in. he hops up on his hind legs, scoots forward & pees on me!
Phoenix sprayed me with urine a lot after I got Sedona. She already had an attitude but with the smell of Sedona she got worse but after about 3 months or so she stopped spraying me. She really likes her mommy and Phoenix time and that is a must. Sedona tends to just enjoy popcorning and wall surfting instead of hopping all over me.
I have one girl chin who is a regular sprayer. She is very cage protective and if I'm bothering her in her cage too much she lets it fly! Believe me I've gotten it everywhere even my mouth. She usually gives tons of warnings before actually doing it though, so it's just me on her last nerve I guess. I haven't noticed any of my chins doing it out of fear, but rather annoyance with me being in their face or their business so to speak.
Thank you everyone. So far I have only gotten sprayed on my hands. This was close for the face though.

Other than this we are doing very well. They are paying attention to me and letting me pet them. They are taking treats.

We have a big weekend planned. New wheels and out of cage playtime.

Will update.