URI + GI Stasis?!

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Active member
Nov 29, 2011
Upstate NY
On Wednesday, I noticed Gadget was sneezing a little when he woke up. I checked his nose and eyes which were clear and figured he was just having a small sneezing fit. I kept an eye on him and he seemed to be normal the rest of the day.

On Thursday, I woke up to a wheezing and crackling sounding chinchilla. I checked his eyes which we now slightly crusted and his nose which was discharging this yellowish mucus. He definitely wasn't acting normal and seemed lethargic. I called our local exotic vet, that I have taken my chinchillas to before, but they couldn't get him in until Monday. I took that day but once I hung up I was thinking, "What if he doesn't make it to Monday?" I tried calling around but I could find any sooner times.

Today rolls around and Gadget is just laying on the bottom of his cage. I know he needs help right now and even then it might not save him. Called for a few hours and found someone that could see him at 6pm. Great, but at the time I called it was 8am and I wasn't sure if he was going to make it that long. Around 5:40pm, I headed to the vets office and after quite a bit of waiting Gadget was seen by the veterinarian. She's very worried about his condition, he has a URI as well as GI stasis. She couldn't hear any of normal chinchilla stomach sounds either. The vet took him in the back to inject some fluids into him and when she returned to bring him back to me he looked like he already passed away. Not moving and shallow breathing, I wasn't sure if he was going to make it out of the vets office alive. The doctor prescribed Baytril as the antibiotic, 0.06 ml by mouth every 12 hours and Buprenorphine 0.1 ml by mouth every 12 hours. She also gave me some Oxbow Critical Care to hand feed him.

Gadget is home now, I can hear him wheezing and making crackling noises but he seems to be a little bit more attentive then when he was at the office. I'm hoping and praying he makes a full recovery but right now the future is still uncertain. I do however, have a few questions that I'm hoping some of you might be able to answer.

  • Does that seem like the correct dosage for a 5 year old chin that weighs 530g?
  • What should the temp be in the room? Vet said to keep it warm but how warm?
  • Tried to hand-feed Gadget and he hates it. How much should I give him at one time and how often? I don't want to stress the poor boy out.

I'm sorry for the long post, I'm just trying to add everything I can think of. Thanks in advanced!
Hi there. I am pretty new at this, but I wanted to offer my sympathies. I am going through the exact same thing with my Jack right now after losing his brother to the same thing. We're hand feeding every 2-3 hours right now because his congestion is too bad for him to swallow much at a time. I thought I'd point you to my thread where I asked a lot of questions, and to the thread that initially helped me with hand feeding.

JacknRum: Thank you very much for your advice and the links! It does sound like we are both going through the exact same thing.
I managed to give him about .5ml of CC after the vet. I know it's not much but when I tried to give him more he had a hard time swallowing due to congestion.
As for your chins, I am extremely sorry for your loss. I hope your other boy makes a speedy recovery!
I believe my other post is being checked by an admin. So, hopefully this post gets in as well.

I'm going out to purchase some Mylicon. However, how many ml do I give him and how often? Tried doing some searches but only found "a dropper full". Not too certain how much that is.

10mg per Kg is the dose for baytril.

The vet in my opinion should have also prescribed a motility drug for the gut since the chin is in stasis. Gut is not moving so the drug makes that happen, feeding a gut that is not moving without the drugs is a crap shoot if it will start again due to being full.

Metecam would have been a better choice in pain meds since this chin is not on motility drugs, buprenorphine slows gut movment-slowing a already stopped gut not cool also my opinion.

The gut does not work and again no motility drugs-I would call the vet and ask why not, did the vet see a impaction and that is why not, you need to feed small meals
frequently, 5ml or so each feeding, for a total of 60ml a day.
I believe my other post is being checked by an admin. So, hopefully this post gets in as well.

I have removed you from the filter since you are dealing with an emergency. All your posts will go through instantly now.

As for as the Mylicon - you won't hurt your chin by giving it several times a day. It's a dropperful at a time, given several times a day. Be sure though, as Dawn says, what you are dealing with. I use Reglan, Propulsid, and Mylicon for bloat/stasis. You may also need to be administering subcu fluids. If it's a blockage that may be an entirely different treatment. I also agree on the Metacam. Using a gut slowing drug in an already compromised chin is not a good idea. Ask your vet for the Metacam.
Thank you both very much!

Tried calling the vet but they are off for the weekend. Gadget is appearing to be going downhill very fast since 8am when I administered his medications. I just gave him a dropperful of Mylicon ignoring the vets recommended dosage of 0.1. Massaged his belly lightly for a few minutes before returning him back to his cage. The veterinarian didn't check for blockage since she highly believed he would die of stress as Gadget was looking like he already passed on at the time. I've been trying to feed him some Critical Care at different consistencies but he seems too weak to even swallow.

Do you believe he might be better off without the burprenorphine?
The longer the gut is stopped the less likely it will start again, time wise motility drugs may not work now since its been a few days and the gut can die. Chin needs a emergency vet who knows chins to have a chance of pulling through this, more agressive treatment is needed ASAP.
I went through a similar thing, regarding GI Stasis. I am very sorry to hear that your chin is very ill.
With the right care and commitment you will be able to get him through it.
However, I agree with Ticklechin. When I went through this, I had motility drugs and Metcam prescribed for my chin.
Also, as Gadget is on antibiotics it is probably best to get some probiotics prescribed to him too, because this is probably what actually saved my chinchilla.
I wish you the best of luck, I hope he gets well soon! Just keep at it, and get as much food in him as possible. If he becomes bloated take him to the vets :) Good luck!
Thank you for all your help and advice but unfortunately, Gadget passed away late evening yesterday. I knew I didn't have the right medicines and called around for hours asking for prescriptions and if he can be seen. However, most vets around my area aren't knowledgeable in exotics so they had no idea about chinchillas and no clue who I should call.

I did the best I could to keep him going but I guess it wasn't enough. I feel like I failed my little boy but at least he isn't suffering anymore. Again, thank you all for your help.
I'm so sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace :(