Unnecessary and Avoidable Chin Trouble :(

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Active member
Nov 9, 2012
Out of curiosity, I was looking at the chinchilla tag on tumblr. There are lots of healthy, happy chins! Yay! ...But also just so many disasters and expensive vet visits waiting to happen :(

Not saying I'm the best chin parent at all times, but it's hard to see that many people really don't care to do the research required to look after this "cute and fluffy!" but fragile animal.

Of course it's possible to spread good information, but the ones who really don't care probably won't ever care, til it's too late. Poor chins.

I don't know what my point is with this post, to be honest. Just made me sad & needed to share I guess...
Instagram is like that too.
There was one photo this morning of a person putting beer in the chinchillas water bottle and letting him drink it.
The same thing happened to me yesterday when I was looking up videos about chinchillas on youtube. In this one video this girl allows her chinchilla to jump up on her dining room table and proceed to eat a rice krispy treat. At the last minute before the chinchilla steals it off the table she grabs him violently flips him upside down and smacks him in the head. Then continually repeats to flip him around and toss him in the air. I could have fainted watching it. I am not the most perfect chin mom but this was just horrifying. I was glad to see many other people had left comments under the video who were just as upset as me. I guess people are pretty naive about to treat chins. I am glad there are forums like this to inform people how to properly take care of these little guys. As for the beer in the water bottle. That is seriously animal abuse. The poor chin just wanted some water and what does he get... beer. Totally messed up. :(
I know how you feel, and honestly I believe that's part of the purpose of having a forum like this. It's a place where you can vent frustrations amongst like-minded people.
The same thing happened to me yesterday when I was looking up videos about chinchillas on youtube. In this one video this girl allows her chinchilla to jump up on her dining room table and proceed to eat a rice krispy treat. At the last minute before the chinchilla steals it off the table she grabs him violently flips him upside down and smacks him in the head. Then continually repeats to flip him around and toss him in the air. I could have fainted watching it. I am not the most perfect chin mom but this was just horrifying. I was glad to see many other people had left comments under the video who were just as upset as me. I guess people are pretty naive about to treat chins. I am glad there are forums like this to inform people how to properly take care of these little guys. As for the beer in the water bottle. That is seriously animal abuse. The poor chin just wanted some water and what does he get... beer. Totally messed up. :(

I've seen that video, I think it's titled "cute chinchilla burglar" or something like that. I was pretty mad after watching it too. The only positive I could take from it is the fact that most commenters agreed her behavior was very poor for the owner of any small animal.
Out of curiosity, I was looking at the chinchilla tag on tumblr. There are lots of healthy, happy chins! Yay! ...But also just so many disasters and expensive vet visits waiting to happen :(

Not saying I'm the best chin parent at all times, but it's hard to see that many people really don't care to do the research required to look after this "cute and fluffy!" but fragile animal.

Of course it's possible to spread good information, but the ones who really don't care probably won't ever care, til it's too late. Poor chins.

I don't know what my point is with this post, to be honest. Just made me sad & needed to share I guess...


When I first joined Tumblr I was very upset to see many chinchillas needing bathes or with cages that weeny adequate living spaces.
That is why I just couldn't breed any animal. I am too fearful that they wouldn't live their entire lifetime in the best and safest home
I try to avoid looking up chinchilla stuff on those websites, tumblr, instagram, youtube, and even craigslist. It just makes me sad to think that people could treat an animal like that. I agree there are some chins that are well taken care of in the pics/videos, but sadly there are far more that are not. As far as craigslist, I'd have a house full of chins if I could have saved all the ones I've seen.
That is why I just couldn't breed any animal. I am too fearful that they wouldn't live their entire lifetime in the best and safest home

That's one of my biggest reasons as well. People get bored and don't realize what kind of commitment it is. They don't always have healthy living conditions, enough space, etc.

There's a guy on the Facebook page "I love my chinchilla" that always asks how the fur looks so nice on all of our pets. He literally has no clue about dust baths. I can't imagine anyone spending any time around a chin and not knowing about dust baths. Especially if you're on the internet a lot, where there's a ton of info on Facebook group pages, videos on YouTube, etc.

Of course my frustration and imagination take off with people like that, and I start picturing some greasy/oily little chin just dying for a dust bath. :(

That's why I couldn't breed, I'd always feel responsible for each chin I helped bring into the world. Fortunately the breeders I'm familiar with are pretty solid people and I don't think they would sell to just anyone wanting a pet. In fact, I know one of them will flat out tell people no. She's a cool lady.
I try to avoid looking up chinchilla stuff on those websites, tumblr, instagram, youtube, and even craigslist. It just makes me sad to think that people could treat an animal like that. I agree there are some chins that are well taken care of in the pics/videos, but sadly there are far more that are not. As far as craigslist, I'd have a house full of chins if I could have saved all the ones I've seen.

You and me both.
Instagram is like that too.
There was one photo this morning of a person putting beer in the chinchillas water bottle and letting him drink it.

Instragram drives me insane. I can't help it but comment on pictures of chins who are in desperate need of dust baths or have wire ramps and the ball of death. They never reply to my comments... wonder why :hmm:
I was in a Petsmart with some friends and they had chinchillas in these little cages and full of plastic. I just couldn't help but think about everything being done wrong and I started to cry and ran out of the store. Needless to say I'm not exactly the crying type and my friends thought I was nuts! But YouTube videos and all those others just make me so sad that people can't be bothered to take the time and learn before getting a chinchilla, or any animal for that matter.
Recently I saw someone post pictures of her two chinchillas on instagram. They looked SOOOO sick and skinny! Their fur was extremely greasy, it was horrifying. I tried to give her some knowledge and encourage her to take them to the vet but she just kept reassuring me they are fine. She lives in Hawaii and can't afford an air conditioner for the chins. She only gives them a dust bath ONCE a month because apparently they scratch themselves afterwards. Today I saw her post a picture of one of her chins passed out in a deathball. I swear, each picture gives me more and more of a heart attack. All I can do is try to provide her with the correct knowledge and information to help make those chins healthy.
I don't even have a chinchilla yet and I still know more about taking care of them then some people who have them do. I see a bunch of pictures of all plastic cages and small wheels and food that they shouldn't have. the beer thing is messed up, but if I wanted to be funny I would make something like that but fill an empty washed out beer can with water and use that so its still safe. but I probably wouldn't even do that to be honest.
I looked at this user again this morning and there was a picture of string lights decorated around the chin cage and then a picture of a chin CHEWING on one of the lights. JESUS ALSDJFALSDKJFLSAKJDF WHAT ARE THEY THINKING!? She had to take the lights down because they chewed some of the lights.... yeah NO ****. She is lucky they didn't get eletrocuted. This woman does not deserve to own chinchillas. Sorry for the rant... I'm just horrified.

Recently I saw someone post pictures of her two chinchillas on instagram. They looked SOOOO sick and skinny! Their fur was extremely greasy, it was horrifying. I tried to give her some knowledge and encourage her to take them to the vet but she just kept reassuring me they are fine. She lives in Hawaii and can't afford an air conditioner for the chins. She only gives them a dust bath ONCE a month because apparently they scratch themselves afterwards. Today I saw her post a picture of one of her chins passed out in a deathball. I swear, each picture gives me more and more of a heart attack. All I can do is try to provide her with the correct knowledge and information to help make those chins healthy.
oh my god the things that people will do to animals makes me physically ill. i don't know which is worse, people who mistreat through ignorance because they are too stupid or lazy or both to do any research or ever consult a vet, or people who intentionally hurt animals because they think it is funny or because they are potential serial killers waiting to happen (i watch a lot of "criminal minds".)

these people are all truly sick. i don't even feel bad wishing someone would throw these people up then hit them or stick them in a plastic ball till they pass out. i feel truly nauseated right now.

sorry for the rant. i just couldn't not react to this.

I agree, on instagram (I often roll through the #chinchilla or #chinchillas because I LOVE to see the different colors, personalities, etc.) and one day at the rec center, I'm enjoying my "chinchilla creep time" when I stumble across a younger girl, most likely in college like myself who has her BEAUTIFUL male chin... IN A PLASTIC BIN! (as its cage, including a food and Water DISH, a wheel and a hiding hut). I just about fainted, in addition to that frustration my phone had died shortly after, so when I had gotten home and went to go find the picture(s) again to comment on, it was gone! I still look everyday in hopes of finding him. I understand that college folk most of the time live on a limited budget, but then DON'T GET A HIGH MAINTENANCE EXOTIC PET! I for one would rather buy my chinchillas supplies before myself! I think about that poor little guy all the time.

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