Unexpected baby chin!!

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New member
Oct 15, 2014
Hey guys! So a while ago we adopted two chinchillas from a woman online. They're male and female, although she said they've been living together for approximately 5 years and never had babies, so we figured there wouldn't be an issue. Well today I went to look in the cage, and at a first glace I thought a mouse may have somehow squeezed in through the bars, but it turned out to be a baby chin!!!! Now I could not be more excited over this new addition! But I do tend to get a little nervous, and from what I read online breeding chins isn't a good idea unless you're experienced in the matter, so I"m a little worried I might mess this up somehow. I read online that I should remove the levels from the cage temporarily because mom and dad may accidentally crush the baby while landing, and also I read that I shouldn't let mom sand bathe either because it can cause infection. I'm not sure how true any of this is or if there's anything in particular I need to do/buy. If anyone has any advice for an unexpected chin grandma I would greatly appreciate it!!
Thanks a ton and I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!
Firstof all congratulations on your new little bundle of joy. Second take the father out of the enclosure for at least 2 weeks to make sure they dont back breed as this could case serious problems. Third dont give mom a bath for 3-4 days to make sure she doesnt get an infection. Fourth weigh the kits everyday make sure they are growing. I hope this helps and good luck with your new little fluffy one.
You want to make sure the bar spacing in the cage is no bigger than 1/2 x 1/2. Babies will squeeze through.

Next: Male and Female = babies. Split them for life unless you want more kits.
Removing ledges helps with mothers sitting on ledges and not warming/nursing kits. As well as jumping down on them.

Go to the FAQ section for more information on kits. And as stated before. Weigh kits to see mother has produced milk.
Provide hay. By the end of the first week, some kits will begin to nibble. By week two they are eating it as well along with mothers milk.
Best of luck.
Deff make sure the bar spacing is 1/2inch or less or things will go wrong. I no that all to well.
Removing levels will not only apply to what was said earlier, but also young kits are clumsy. They may try to hop form one ledge to another and misjudge and fall. You dont want that to happen. Babies are even more fragile.

You will want to separate the male and female or more babies will come. If you found this kit unexpectedly then im assuming the male and female were together by the time you found the kit. That means she could already be pregnant again. The longer they are together, the more likely it is thats shes pregnant.

Keep an eye on the mommy and the kit. Make sure hes hes getting fed and taken care of and gaining weight. If hes not then you will have to step in and do things yourself.
Just a quick note: If your cage is tall, you can take the shelves and install them in a way that the chinchillas cant climb the walls. The little stinkers can climb the wall and then they will fall because they don't know how to get down, Blocking their path at about 18 to 24 inches is a good idea.
J The little stinkers can climb the wall and then they will fall because they don't know how to get down

thats a good point. i forgot about that. When mine were young they were exceptional at climbing the cal walls. And the bars were vertical. But it certainly didnt slow them down any.

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