To All NJ chinchilla breeders and owners and rescuers

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The Great Garden State

Yes, to the question can New Jersey can over ride the US Regulatations. I called them back and asked the same Question. Now they told me to get a livestock (dealers permit). Since I bred and sell them out of the state and also in the State.
So I may be very tired and confused, but where do we go to apply for permits then? Or do they make it impossible so they can fine you and get MORE money?

I have 5 thats 50$ a year? BUMMER
Has anyone called USDA to ask them? Or any other federal agency? I cannot believe they can get away with charging $10.00 per hamster or chinchilla or rat. A dog or a cat, something that may go outside, I can see. Licensing for a wild beast, like a tiger or a coatamundi, yes, but more for regulatory/safety reasons. A hamster? There is just something wrong with that.

Maybe you folks who have chins could be the catalyst in getting that changed. If you make enough noise, get petitions going, etc., it could make a difference.
State can and do override the Federal govt. - it is called 'home rule'. Only if the govt. strongly disagrees and does something about it does the Feds. 'win' . It has to be something BIG for the feds to bother. Like Bush refused to allow states to over rule the majuanna (sp.) use for medical reason. I personally don't think we have enough clout/money (especially money) to over ride this. They want their money (it is income for the state)
as for live stock (dealers) permit - I wish they would make up their mind. I am going to have to call again this morning before I fill out the application (which I got in 1 days time) Boy the state is really in a hurry when they want money
Ok - I called fish and state. I talked to the woman who spoke to 'mommomslop' THe woman said you said you sold all your chins out of state, so you need an animal dealer' permit. Since I sell both out of state and in state, I need a pet shop permit. This is because when selling in state, I will need the slips to give to NJ buyers
So did you call them and they mailed the paperwork to you? I couldn't find the application for just a pet owner on the fish and game site, or maybe I'm just a little slow. I guess I'll have to call them and give them their $10 :rolleyes:
If you are paranoid and want the permit, it is probably best to call them to get the paperwork. As a pet owner, I wouldn't bother unless I said you have someone who would love to get you into trouble Yes, they sent me the paperwork for my breeders (pet store) permit after I called them
Barb, I'm the girl whos getting the ebony and pink white from you at the end of march :) I don't have permits for my two boys that we have you think we should get permits for the babies when we pick them up from you?
that depends on whether you want them or not, as you are afraid someone might 'squeal' If I don't have the forms by then, I will have them soon after and if you want I can mail them to you - your choice
It looks like we will probably never change this crazy chinchilla permit law. Today, when I called the Fish and Wildlife to ask another question. I found the 'exotics dept.' just got another brand new office in a new building - separate from the reg. Fish and Wildlife with its own telephone number in a different area code. I guess permits for exotics are really picking up business. The 'boom' in pocket pets in paying off for that office big time.
I doubt that chinchilla owners are paying for that... and I be surprised if they ever come after us... too many true exotics out there.
When you are traveling to a vet in NJ, would you need to carry this permit? Or would I risk losing my chinchillas?
I would get the permit, in case you get pulled over by the cops for some reason like a brake light out and they see them.
It doesn't surprise me at all. Ive lived in NJ my whole life unfortunately. The laws are strictly set up to screw over the common man. The fact that I'm disabled due to bad business practices, malpractice, and being sent to a fake doctor, and the state said they 'see nothing wrong with these actions' is kinda proof of that.

Its also worth noting that if you live in NJ and you want to move out of this state, you legally have to pay the state to allow you to leave. Yes... you read that right. The government here will do anything to line there own pockets. Beware!