Tiling FN182

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Jun 3, 2013
Nova Scotia, Canada
I love how many silly questions I have...

So I've been measuring up for tiling my FN cage, since I can't afford basspans.

Basically, I've measured the floors to be 34.5x22.5 inches, which is about 5.39 square feet of tile. In order to accomplish this I'd have to get 21.5 tiles(6x6), but I don't think that's going to work the way I think it would. If there is half an inch of space on one side, is that a problem? Should I put something in that space to prevent my chin from stepping in it? Can I cover the tiles in fleece?

Also, does anyone know how I can prevent the tiles from sliding around, especially with the hole in the middle pan? Because I'm just going to leave that spot empty, but I worry if my Chin jumps up it's going to pull a loose tile off and fall.

Thanks guys. :)
I was thinking the same thing with keeping the tiled shelf in place. I was thinking to glue them really tight together on a piece of measured out cardboard with a small amount of glue. That way, pee doesn't get between the tiles; and even if it does, you can just tear off the cardboard and glue on a new one.
Also, 12x12 tiles are easier to use. This thread has some good tips about it: http://www.chins-n-hedgies.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18577&highlight=tile
Yeah, I ended up buying 11 12x12 tiles, and realize there's a bit of overlay between them. I'm going to score and cut them to make them fit perfectly. The cardboard base seems like a wonderful idea.. I should look into that.

I wonder, even if glue would be too strong of a chemical smell for the Chinchilla. Perhaps double sided tape would work?
Double sided tape may work. I know a few people who use Elmer's non-toxic wood glue to make all their chin-safe hide outs without any problem. The tape idea might be better though since it would be easier to take the tiles off of the cardboard in case they need to be replaced or the cardboard manages to get ruined.