There are some things you just do not do in the chin business!!!

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May 20, 2012
Pittsburgh, PA
I really need to vent and I am also wondering if this has happened to anyone else? Yesterday I had plans to travel about 4 hours away to buy a few pets and get some things and if I had time I wanted to go to the show at Ryerson's. Anyway to make a long story short before I left I noticed an ad on Hoobly for 2 mosaic females with pedigrees for 75 bucks each. I figured why not check it out since I was going to be up that way so I emailed the girl my cell phone number. She calls me back while I am driving and gives me an address in Gallion OH and we agreed to meet after I went to my furthest destination. A few hours after speaking with her and driving a bit further out of my way than expected I come to realize she has given me a bogus address and she also was not answering her phone.

I do not know what her problem was whether she changed her mind about selling them or maybe someone struck some kind of deal with her but man YOU JUST DO NOT DO THAT TO SOMEONE!!! She emailed me later saying she left her phone at church and her son had a seizure...Yea it might be more believeable if she only tried using 1 lame excuse instead of a combination of both. (Ya need to use the cell phone to call for the ambulance for the seizing kid...) duh! Anyway it cost me 3 hours round trip not to mention gas. When all she needed to do was just put on her big girl panties and CALL! She said she gave me a bogus address for KFC because she doesn't want people to come to her house. OK fine then but BE STRAIGHT UP WITH PEOPLE!!! I hate liars!

From what I know she had the 2 mosaics she said she got from a breeder in Toledo, OH and she said she also had a beige female she got from Shoots.

What is so wrong with just being honest with someone..? If you change your mind as a seller OR buyer just freakin say so. Why someone would purposely mislead someone like that is beyond me. I could have gone to the show instead of wasting my time chasing my tail. Moral of the story is JUST BE STRAIGHT UP WITH PEOPLE!!! And watch our for a girl named Angela (who by the way claims to be religeous and have 7 kids who obviously are going to have one heck of a lying role model to look up to)...

<Personal information edited out as it is against forum policy. Read the FAQ's before you post again. > (Tunes)
It happens. I have people blow me off all the time and waste my time and make me want to smack them. That person has to live with being a $#% @$$&%!!, and if she likes feeling that way then bless her heart.

It's not okay for people to do that to others. It's rude and it's really going to hurt this woman because someone's going to sue her one day for damages. The bogus address is just odd, who does that?

I'm sorry you had your day ruined...things will be alright. At least she didn't take your money and run or write you a bad check...I've had some really awesome things happen to me over the years with people. I'll spare you the details because we'd be here for a few days if I wrote out the stories.
I am fairly new in the Chinnie world and for the most part the people I have met have been WONDERFUL! I have done business with a couple of the members on here and have nothing but nice things to say. What gets me is that it is typically the buyer who doesn't show. Not this time. I was ready to go cash in hand... Does not make sense. Thanks for your kind words AZChins. The entire day was not lost but I do wish I would have gone to the show. By the way I am Rhonda. Nice to meet you all!
As a mom with 4 special needs kids I just have to say emergencies can and do happen. I am sorry you went through that but have you ever left your cell phone at home and thought you would be right back so you didn't turn around and get it? I have.

" (Ya need to use the cell phone to call for the ambulance for the seizing kid...) duh"

Most places have phones and watching your child have a seizure kind of takes away your regular scheduled appointments in your head. If she just wanted to avoid you why would she email you later?
Again sorry this happened to you, maybe she is a liar but maybe she was telling the truth. My daughter has seizures and it is not fun.
She purposely gave me a bogus address and admitted to that. Sorry since she lied about that I don't believe anything else. So if the child really did have a seizure I will be the first to say I am sorry but I really don't think that is the case. Pretty sad if one lies about their child getting sick over the sale of a chinchilla.
i dont remember the name of the lady i got my chins from but she had 2 really young kids and a baby. and both times i showed up to look at/pick up my bonded pair of chins. she would kinda be mad at me because i was "hasseling her" even though i bended to her every whim and catered to her scedual even though i lived 2 hours away. she takes lovely care of her kids and animals but i wasnt treated to nice.

i dont regreat going through her cause i love my chins and my other options were driving 6 hours to Wisconsin.

sorry about what happened to you.
Ah the stories I've gotten...and yeah, it usually IS the buyer. I've yet to be stood up by a seller, or get a bogus address thank goodness. I fully understand your frustration and I'm sure it happens in all arena (not just chins).

This is (as a seller) the reason I require a non-refundable deposit to hold a chinchilla. I only agree to holding a chinchilla for a specified timeframe, I will not travel more than 30mins from my home w/o a deposit even if the buyer wants to pick up the next day...etc...etc...etc

I'm sure it has made me look like a jerk to some, but it has to be done. Sadly. Sorry for your ruined day but as some have said if her child was seizing she probably DID forget her cell at the location the incident happened. Your phone, after the ambulance is called or you leave for hospital, is the LEAST of your concerns in such a circumstance. SO that part IS very believeable. As is the fact she wouldn't want to meet at her home with children living at the residence. Did she say the address was her home or did she simply say she'd meet you there and you assumed it was her home address? When I give a buyer an address I do not explain it isn't my home address. Some things to consider.
Oh no she said the address was for her house no mention of the "concern of people coming to her house" beforehand. She led me to believe that from the get go. If that is true all she would have need to do was just say it from the beginning. By the way I forgot to mention that I checked the ad again when I got home that night and it was taken down. So sick kid my butt. If my kid just had a seizure the last thing I would be concerned with was deleting my chin ad.
Well, technically we debated the validity of the circumstance :p but just the same, mostly just a rant...though that's not uncommon for this section.
Ethics meaning that people just need to be straight up when dealing with others and this seems to be hard for some people to do. Why either someone is going to do what they say or they are not and why do people do this when it is so much easier just to keep things simple. As far as keeping things simple please forgive me if I put this thread in the wrong section but in all honesty the big deal is what? Feel free to move it to a more appropriate section if that is needed. Shouldn't be a big deal...
Ethics? What is that supposed to mean? This is the debate section, I just see a rant.

This ethics thing can apply in more areas than one, be it buying a chinchilla or how some folks run their business and treat others! Sadly it isn't what it used to be! Thankful for those who do have some morals, yes a good debate it would be, but I might get winded and BLOW!!!!
My motto is always to treat others with respect and kindness, and the way I would want to be treated PERIOD!
Twilight you hit the nail on the head there! Exactly...I like to think that people are genuinely honest and typically if someone is an animal lover one might tend to believe that they may be a bit more good natured than some (just generally speaking). I want to believe that when dealing with buying/selling animals one would be honest and try to achieve a win/win for everyone involved. All I did was answer an ad and tried to follow though as normally expected but in the end deception on the part of another (which was so unnecessary in the first place) soured the experience. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for something like this to happen. So then why does it??? That my friends is the debate...
Maybe she deleted it because she didn't have time to deal with other people, you probably weren't the only one who called...

If I was at church and my kid had a seizure there, remembering to grab my phone for someone picking up chins wouldn't be on my list let alone at the top.

My address comes up as an invalid address a lot, or as an address two blocks away. Doesn't mean I'm giving people fake addresses.

What I'm saying here is it would be more work for her to make up all this crap than to say today won't work, I have another person coming to look too. Or something similar. If you really want to know ask if she still has them.