Taking chinchilla to college?

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Nov 12, 2013
Hi! I've had a chinchilla since about september last year. She is twelve years old and after her owner moved to China, the owner's sister was looking for someone to take care of her otherwise she would release her into the wild. I didn't want that to happen so my family agreed to take her in. Unfortunately (?) we bonded with her and decided to keep her.

However, I am now moving from CT to California for college and while my school does allow me to have a caged pet, I don't know if I should actually take her.

I'm the one that takes care of her and I'm the only one that can take her out of the cage (my parents and sister don't really know about chinchillas). However, since she is "old" (12), I don't know what would be easier for her. Should I leave her with my family or should I bring her with me? The heat I don't think will be an issue in California because I can request an air-conditioned dorm. Here in CT, however, my family doesn't turn on the AC often and I fear that without my presence, they will forget about her health.

I need advice please!!
The biggest thing is, how would you get her there? Planning to drive cross country? I think she would be fine once she is there, I would just want to have careful planning in place for getting her there.

If you are the knowledgeable one and you are attached to her - I'd take her.
The biggest thing is, how would you get her there? Planning to drive cross country?

I agree that you should take her! :) The only issue will be transportation, but since you are going to college I'm sure you're likely bringing your car along so you aren't stranded at the school! If you're driving, then it's no big deal, just bring her along!! However since you'll likely be taking the trip when it's hot out, be sure your car's AC is working well.
You should totally take her but be sure you tell all your new friends that there is no handling without your supervision and I also would not allow handling of her by anyone who has been drinking. No one would of course intend to hurt her but non-experienced people will not know how to properly handle and be around a chinchilla outside of its cage and I don't even allow my self to handle Mrs. Wiggle Whiskers if I have been drinking. I reccomend actually placing a lock on the cage.

Also if you are in a dorm where you have lots of guests in your room that are roudy or the next door neighbor plays Tu-Pac at volume 21 all day long that could be an issue but I think these are all things you can work out so I say take her with you it would be a tragidy to seperate you two.
i second the idea about a lock on the cage!!! Especially if you will be living in a dormitory. Lots of people welcome themselves in and out of rooms in dorms, and you never know who might help themself into the cage. absolutely a lock!
Are you absolutely certain that "caged pet" includes chinchillas? They may be thinking of a hamster or something like that. I absolutely do NOT want to be the naysayer, but be completely upfront about having a chinchilla. It would be horrible to get there and then find out that your little one isn't allowed in the dorm, because then you'd be in such a bind with what to do.

Set up everything first. Be sure that you ARE getting a dorm with AC and check on nearby vets. If it all checks out, then take her with you :D
I'm with Luci, not everyone thinks of chinchillas as "caged pets". If you're truly committed to taking her out with you, which if she's in good health I really DO think is her best option at a happy future, then you need to do a bit of footwork in advance. First, get written confirmation from whoever is in charge of dorm policy, saying specifically that you CAN have your chinchilla. THEN, be sure to get an airconditioned dorm. THEN have a plan for transport that will ensure a safe trip with multiple back ups. From what you've said, she will not have a great quality of life if left at home. If you don't think you're up to the above mentioned foot work...rehome her before leaving. Otherwise, chins can make okay dorm pets provided everything is set up in advance.
AC raises a very good point. Not sure if the dorm will have AC its been long enough that I don't remember if ours had AC or not and even if it has AC make sure you get your own working thermostat. You can get portable AC units but dorms may have a policy on that too. I think if you do the legwork up front and just cover the basis you will be fine. Another option might be off campus housing or apartments. I have lived both on and off campus and as long as you are next to the cumpus lifestyle is not much different.

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