Switching food....again...

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Android Enthusiast
Oct 3, 2011
So ever since I put giizmo on mazuri, he's had semi soft poos and they're starting to become more round, I'm not sure if this is a food issue, but I want to switch to oxbow since I'm pretty sure gizmo doesn't do well on mazuri, can I cold switch or do I do it over time???
i think you have to gradually work your way to giving gizmo the oxbow like you can mix 1/4 oxbow with the mazuri and then half and then 3/4 and then just give gizmo the oxbow.
My chins do fine on Mazuri.

How long has he been on it? He may not have had enough time to adjust to it. Besides the rounder droppings what makes you think he doesn't do well at this feed? It's not always a good idea to switch a chin from feed to feed quickly. It can lead to some digestive issues and also to having a really picky chinchilla that may stop actually eating his pellets.
Yeah that's true, he's been on it for maybe a month now?? How long does it take them to adjust to food??? Are your chins poos semi wet when they first come out???
I don't know if I'd call them wet when they come out. They're certainly not super dry or anything, just normal. The droppings don't get smooshed or anything when the chins walk on them. Extremely dry droppings aren't good.

It depends on the chin with how long it can take to adjust. Usually they adjust pretty quickly within a few days.
Yeah he's been on it for a month now, hmm yeah when I pick them up they feel moist and it takes very little effort to smash them.. but as time goes on they get harder to smoosh
It's hard say. Sometimes chins have a different shape to their droppings from time to time. They get smaller, they get bigger...they're more round...sometimes it goes with a slight dietary change, sometimes it can have something to do with hormonal fluctuations. It could be a sign that the chin has some bloating or gas. How long have they been like this? Is every dropping round?
Hmm, well he just got off reglan...rather I gave it to him for the prescribed amount of time my vet says. Could it be that his pooping system is getting back on track?
Oh ok! Thanks for the info. He loves the hay cubes by the way! Thanks again. Me and my wife are going to casa grande,az for thanksgiving.is that by your city??
I have chins that can not handle Mazuri at all. They have squishy poops and no length of time will fix that. I suggest you switch to Oxbow.