Switching bedding?????

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My question is to see if I should switch bedding after using the gray carefresh for 6 months. I have had no problems at all with the chinchillas and that bedding. I was planning on using the Kaytee aspen shavings because of cost reasons. I have a cage with a metal bottom where all the bedding sits. The main thing I want to find out is IS THE CAREFRESH BETTER or THE ASPEN SHAVINGS?
I will not use carefresh I do not feel that it is safe. I have heard of several chinchillas eating the carefresh and dying from impaction. Pine or aspen shavings are fine
It's really a personal opinion if one is better than the other. I prefer Aspen or Pine to the carefresh because I don't seem to notice the smell as much, but the wood bedding tends to be kicked out of my cages more so it's messier... I recommend trying a small bag of the aspen and see which you like better.
I agree with Kristy on this one. I don't feel carefresh is a safe bedding for chinchillas. I've heard of a number of impactions caused from it that resulted in GI stasis or death. Wood shavings are much better for chinchillas and you'll find it is the preferred bedding amongst breeders. It may be messy but it's worth it for your chin's health.
I only use carefresh in cages that have a grating on the bottom, and that's only when I have it given to me with a rescue chin. I'm not a huge fan of it. It's for cost reasons and because most of the chins I have tend to nibble on it. Like Kristy said, if too much is consumed it can cause an impaction and that's not something I am willing to risk.