SweetPea want missing

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i gave her a bath and put her on the couch to dry well things got a little hair wire and i forgot she was still out we got home about 8hours later and i want to see her but she wasn't in her cage. we found poop on the couch but no SweetPea we looked like crazy well we found her. she had some hair and fuzzy riped around her foot. we tried taking it off my hand but we ended up taking it off with scorris. she is ok now. J and dusty helped me get her foot free I was so scared.
I am glad everything worked out ok. Make sure not to leave her on the couch anymore though- or anywhere, it could end much worse next time!
I sure hope you never have children. If you can't keep track of an animal and lose her for 8 hours on the sofa, you can't be trusted with a baby. You could have sat on her and killed her.

Poor Sweetpea.
Wow Amanda. This one is really scary.

I would really really try and keep a much closer eye on the pets when you have them out. Leaving her out like that, especially wet, is extremely dangerous for her.

I'm glad that she was okay, and that the dog didn't hurt her.
I'm glad SweetPea was okay..

I think maybe it might be a good idea to think about rehoming your animals. I don't think you are in the right state of mind, considering you forgot about her on the couch, to care for her or your other animals. God forbid, she could have fallen off the couch, or your dog could have be able to get to her. It would really be in the best interest of your animals.

I hope she is nice and warm now. I couldn't imagine how cold she was sitting on that couch, wet after a bath, for 8 hours....
I'm glad SweetPea was okay..

I think maybe it might be a good idea to think about rehoming your animals. I don't think you are in the right state of mind, considering you forgot about her on the couch, to care for her or your other animals. God forbid, she could have fallen off the couch, or your dog could have be able to get to her. It would really be in the best interest of your animals.

I hope she is nice and warm now. I couldn't imagine how cold she was sitting on that couch, wet after a bath, for 8 hours....

I was showing this to my friend Autumn and her exact words were "I'm inclined to agree with Sasha. At least she was nice when she said it, I hope that poor thing doesn't get sick..."
This upset my friend pretty well...While she doesn't own any exotics at the moment, she's been looking into chinchillas and hedgehogs because she wants to be a vet.
Oh that poor baby! How does someone forget that they left a pet on the couch?!

I have to agree with the others here. She could have been hurt, eaten something she shouldn't have, or even been killed. Sheesh.
You have a lot on your plate right now Amanda. Sweetpea needs a responsible and committed owner. Think very seriously about Sasha has said.
Amanda - I cannot go to bed thinking about this. Honestly, I think it is past time you proved your compassion and showed some maturity. You are dealing with enough so if you love Sweetpea, consider that she would be better off with someone who can focus on her. You have demonstrated time and time again that you are not ready for a hedgehog. Do the right thing, there are people who would gladly help you out. I can understand people making one mistake or having an accident, but at some point you must determine that the time has come and that this is not an arrangement that is working for you.
I had to read your post 3 times to be sure I was not reading it wrong.
I have to agree with the sentiments of the others here - you really do need to rethink having your hedgie. You could so easily have killed her with your thoughtlessness. :(
You have been very lucky ............ this time. What happens when things get "haywire" again? Just because you're busy does not excuse neglecting your pets. :(
I really don't even know how to reply to this. I agree with everyone else. I think time is long overdue for you to put SweetPea's welfare ahead of your own wants. I know you try but you have shown repeatedly your difficulty in providing proper care to the hedgehogs. Please give her up to someone before she ends up joining Scrat.
I really don't even know how to reply to this. I agree with everyone else. I think time is long overdue for you to put SweetPea's welfare ahead of your own wants. I know you try but you have shown repeatedly your difficulty in providing proper care to the hedgehogs. Please give her up to someone before she ends up joining Scrat.

you guys can all go to He(( i didn't mean to leave her out it was a mistake i will not rehome any of my pets and i'm sorry but a Fu&king child is different than a pet i am leaving this board you guys are all bad people if we don't do things the way you guys think it should be done than we are bad ppl well i'll be dam& if i'm going to sit here and take it. i am a good person and i care about my pets more than you'll ever know so you guys can all just shut you're mouths how rude of you to say that i shouldn't have kids you have no idea how i am or what i am like you only know me on here. well i'm done with this crap i am not coming back on here a again.
Cool down Amanda. Come back and read over this thread again.

Nobody is trying to hurt your feelings - that'd just be plain ignorant. They are just pointing out what THEY think is right. What would this place be like if everyone just went with the flow? You learn from your mistakes.
That's fine Amanda, if you choose not to come back here again, but if you do, you're going to receive a warn for your language. Completely inappropriate.

Let's face it - You've been less than stellar in your pet care thus far. You just don't want to hear it. You've had people lined up to take them off your hands and provide great homes for them, then you back out. You can't afford to provide vet care, then you can, then you don't. It's always one thing or another when it comes to your pets.

Get as mad as you want, it doesn't change the fact that people are giving you good advice. And I've got news for you, if you can't handle taking care of a pet, don't get pregnant, don't have a child. You don't get the option of "accidentally" leaving a baby laying around for 8 hours or not providing medical care or not having money for food.
You abandon your hedgehog alone, in the sofa, while you go out. She's wet, she gets hair wrapped around her feet and you forget about her for 8 hours and WE'RE BAD????

You're selfish, self-centered and a poor pet keeper. If you truly cared more about them than yourself, you'd rehome them. But you're too selfish because it's not about what's best for Sweetpea, it's about what YOU want more.


you guys can all go to He(( i didn't mean to leave her out it was a mistake i will not rehome any of my pets and i'm sorry but a Fu&king child is different than a pet i am leaving this board you guys are all bad people if we don't do things the way you guys think it should be done than we are bad ppl well i'll be dam& if i'm going to sit here and take it. i am a good person and i care about my pets more than you'll ever know so you guys can all just shut you're mouths how rude of you to say that i shouldn't have kids you have no idea how i am or what i am like you only know me on here. well i'm done with this crap i am not coming back on here a again.
If you think the people who replied to this thread are bad people and deserve to go to a fiery place Amanda, let me assure that you are far far worse and it is beyond my imagination to think about what the afterlife has in store for you.

You have no genuine concern for your animals, you only come to this forum and post about all the horrible things you do to them to upset people and get attention.

I have been done with your crap for some time now and will readily admit that i don't care if you stay here and 'take it' or if you leave for good. People who treat animals the way you do have a special delivery coming in the mail anyways.
I totally agree with everthing you all are saying. But right now I just feel so bad for SweetPea and I don't have room enough for anger. All I can say to Scrat&SweetPea is that you've given this forum a very bad reputation. Any new hedgie owner that comes and sees what you have done will probably forget about ever going to this forum again. Personally I don't care if you don't come back here. I just want to say sorry to SweetPea for what happened to you and I really hope that everything is okay at your so-called "home."
Amanda I think you've forgotten that you can be on this forum and continue to be part of this community even if you don't have a hedgehog. As long as you are respectful and follow the rules, you can continue to frequent this forum. Making the decision to give Sweetpea up will in no way affect that. We are asking you to hand Sweetpea over to someone who has time and dedication to commit to her. We were not asking you to leave the forum.
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