SuperPet dangerous?

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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2013
Tallahassee, FL
So I purchased a set of the SuperPet Tropical Fiddlesticks after seeing them in a bunch of neat cage setup picures on here, and found it odd when Gizmo absolutely ATTACKED it with the gnawing (he's not typically a big chewer on his furniture). I looked up what kind of wood is in them, and according to a few posts it isn't sounding too good (oak, fir, etc.) though the information seems a bit shaky. Some people didn't seem to think it was a dire situation, others pulled out their fiddlesticks right away; should I pull them out immediately or is it okay to let him play with this one and just not buy another?
I used to use fiddlesticks years ago, before they became the crap that they are now. They used to be huge pieces of wood with thick bark. Now they make these silly rainbow sticks that are half the wood for more money. I never had a problem with them and my chins loved them. It was back when I first started in chins and nobody was making all the wood houses and fun stuff. They lasted forever, unless you had the most industrious chewers, and were reasonably priced. Unless they have changed the wood from then to now, they are fine. Some people have complained though about the color leaking onto their chins fur when it gets wet.
Thank you all for the responses! He does love it quite a bit (he's always perching on it), I just wanted to make sure I wasn't endangering him.
I heard that they aren't too safe because someone baked theirs to see and a lot of stuff leaked our of it. It was a thread on here a while ago.
I should make you one out of pecan wood. :) That would last literally for years or until it gets so grungy it just has to be thrown out.

I have one of the old fiddlesticks from years ago with a couple of my cleaner little girls and it is a great product. The ones that they have now, like Tunes said, aren't quite what they used to be. They leak when you bake them now? Ick... They used to be one of those petstore items that I could tell people were alright for chins.